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Re: Combining images and plots

From: Vinayak Dutt
Subject: Re: Combining images and plots
Date: Tue, 2 May 95 16:26:38 CDT

John Eaton wrote:
#"T.J. Cham" <address@hidden> wrote:
#: Are there any plans/ongoing-projects to integrate images and plots in
#: Octave as is possible with Matlab 4+?
#I would like to add some sort of windowing capability to Octave.
#Integrating it with the plotting features would also be nice, but I
#don't know of anyone who is currently working on this.

 I have plans to make a simple command (script) interface  to PGPLOT 
library (I sort of find it better than PLPLOT, though its more restrictive in
licensing)  suitable to pipe and script interface to Octave. I will take
that up once the pipe inteface in Octave is ready.

 * vinayak dutt
 * graduate student, ultrasound research
 * mayo graduate school, rochester mn
 * e-mail: address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
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