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octave : install fails

From: Johan Patyn
Subject: octave : install fails
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 13:54:21 +0200

Dear Sir,

I recently downloaded the octave-1.1.1 version (binary for an AXP/OSF-1

After running the procedure with prefix
/home3/users/jefcor/OCTAVE, all directories are installed,
but I cannot access any m-file, or 'man'info, because octave 
doens't find the specified path (~/octavrc neither /OKTAAF/lib/octave/
1.1.1/m/startup/octaverc), or, the path is not correctly specified
(LOADPATH :/home3/users/jefcor/OKTAAF/bin:home3/users/jefcor/OKTAAF/info:
.....:home3/users/jefcor/OKTAAF/man:. )

Do you have any idea why octave isn't behaving correctly ?

Another question : where can I find the GNU-plot binary version for an AXP
workstation, and how is the installation GNU-plot + Octave ?

With anticipated thanks,

Dr. Johan Patyn
VITO-Mol (beglium)
Johan Patyn
| Johan Patyn             -    Dienst Informatiesystemen |
| VITO - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek |
|        Boeretang 200,       B-2400 Mol,         Belgiƫ |
| Tel: +32 14 335323                  FAX: +32 14 314166 |
| E-Mail : address@hidden                                |

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