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MATLAB like fread/fwrite available!

From: Superuser AIA
Subject: MATLAB like fread/fwrite available!
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 95 09:21:54 +0100

Hello OCTAVE users,

For further use of our old MATLAB programs and datas we needed a procedure for 
a raw file i/o like in the new MATLAB fread and fwrite. Therefore we 
implemented these functions and added a mode 'b' to fopen. The help 
informations for the added functions is implemented, too. Due to the use of 
different ENDIAN models in our institute there is a new builtin-var called 
'io_swap_bytes' which makes you able to swap the bytes while reading and 
writing to files. Further floating-point conversions are not implemented yet.
We'll hope you can use these additions.

Some requested informations for bug reporting:
* octave, version 1.0
* machines: hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.01 / m68k-hp-hpux9.00 / i486-linux

The first diff in the file is a very small bug in the pager procedures, but 
it caused trouble at the m68k-hp-hpux9.00 (leaving the page with a SIGSEV). 
Fromon the second diff to the end you'll find the necessary differences for 
the raw file i/o.

diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/     Tue Jan 10 08:49:31 1995
---     Tue Jan 10 08:50:26 1995
*** 109,117 ****
    char *message = pager_buf->str ();
!   if (message == (char *) NULL || *message == '\0')
        delete [] message;
        initialize_pager ();
--- 109,121 ----
    char *message = pager_buf->str ();
!   if (message == (char *) NULL)
!       goto initonly;
!   if (*message == '\0')
        delete [] message;
+ initonly:
        initialize_pager ();
diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/  Tue Jan 10 08:49:28 1995
---  Tue Jan 10 08:49:51 1995
*** 316,321 ****
--- 316,338 ----
    { "fgets",3, 2, builtin_fgets,
      "[string, length] = fgets (\"filename\" or filenum, length): read a 
string from a file", },
+   { "fread",4, 2, builtin_fread,
+     "[A, count] = fread (\"filename\" or filenum, size, 'precision'): binary 
read from a file\n\n\
+   Valid values for 'precision' include:\n\n\
+    'char', 'char*1'; 'schar', 'signed char', 'int8';\n\
+      'uchar', 'unsigned char', 'uint8':\n\
+     Character, 8 bits\n\
+    'short', 'int16'; 'ushort', 'unsigned short', 'uint16':\n\
+     Integer, 16 bits\n\
+    'int'; 'uint', 'unsigned int':\n\
+     Integer, 16 or 32 bits\n\
+    'long', 'int32'; 'ulong', 'unsigned long', 'uint32':\n\
+     Integer, 32 bits\n\
+    'float32', 'real*4':\n\
+     Floating point value, 32 bits\n\
+    'double', 'float64', 'real*8':\n\
+     Floating point value, 64 bits\n", },
    { "find", -1, 1, builtin_find,
      "find (x): return vector of indices of nonzero elements", },
*** 390,395 ****
--- 407,429 ----
    { "ftell", 2, 1, builtin_ftell,
      "position = ftell (\"filename\" or filenum): returns the current file 
position", },
+   { "fwrite",4, 1, builtin_fwrite,
+     "count = fwrite (\"filename\" or filenum, X, 'precision'): binary write 
to a file\n\n\
+   Valid values for 'precision' include:\n\n\
+    'char', 'char*1'; 'schar', 'signed char', 'int8';\n\
+      'uchar', 'unsigned char', 'uint8':\n\
+     Character, 8 bits\n\
+    'short', 'int16'; 'ushort', 'unsigned short', 'uint16':\n\
+     Integer, 16 bits\n\
+    'int'; 'uint', 'unsigned int':\n\
+     Integer, 16 or 32 bits\n\
+    'long', 'int32'; 'ulong', 'unsigned long', 'uint32':\n\
+     Integer, 32 bits\n\
+    'float32', 'real*4':\n\
+     Floating point value, 32 bits\n\
+    'double', 'float64', 'real*8':\n\
+     Floating point value, 64 bits\n", },
    { "getenv", 2, 1, builtin_getenv,
      "getenv (\"string\"): get environment variable values", },
*** 711,716 ****
--- 745,753 ----
    { "inf", "??", NULL,
      "infinity", },
+   { "io_swap_bytes", "false", io_swap_bytes,
+     "swap bytes while low-level file i/o", },
    { "j", "??", NULL,
      "sqrt (-1)", },
diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/   Tue Jan 10 08:49:28 1995
---   Tue Jan 10 08:50:02 1995
*** 38,44 ****
--- 38,46 ----
  #include "statdefs.h"
  #include "file-io.h"
  #include "input.h"
+ #include "mappers.h"
  #include "octave-hist.h"
+ #include "user-prefs.h"
  #include "tree-const.h"
  #include "error.h"
  #include "utils.h"
*** 342,349 ****
        char m = mode[0];
        if (m == 'r' || m == 'w' || m == 'a')
!         m = mode[1];
!         return (m == '\0' || (m == '+' && mode[2] == '\0'));
    return 0;
--- 344,362 ----
        char m = mode[0];
        if (m == 'r' || m == 'w' || m == 'a')
!         for(;;)
!           {
!             switch (*++mode)
!               {
!                 case '+': case 'b':
!                    continue;
!                 case '\0':
!                    return 1;
!                 default:
!                    break;
!               }
!             break;
!           }
    return 0;
*** 392,397 ****
--- 405,736 ----
    retval[0] = tree_constant (string);
+   return retval;
+ }
+ struct elminfo{ unsigned realv:1; unsigned signedv:1; };
+ static size_t
+ decode_precision (const char *prec, struct elminfo *elminf)
+ { const struct { const char *name; unsigned realv:1; unsigned signedv:1;
+                size_t size; } *p,
+     ref [] =
+    { {"char",         0,      1,      sizeof(char)},
+      {"char*1",               0,      1,      sizeof(char)},
+      {"schar",                0,      1,      sizeof(signed char)},
+      {"signed char",  0,      1,      sizeof(signed char)},
+      {"uchar",                0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned char)},
+      {"unsigned char",        0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned char)},
+      {"short",                0,      1,      sizeof(short)},
+      {"ushort",               0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned short)},
+      {"unsigned short",       0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned short)},
+      {"int",          0,      1,      sizeof(int)},
+      {"uint",         0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned)},
+      {"unsigned",     0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned)},
+      {"long",         0,      1,      sizeof(long)},
+      {"ulong",                0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned long)},
+      {"unsigned long",        0,      0,      sizeof(unsigned long)},
+      {"float",                1,      1,      sizeof(float)},
+      {"float32",      1,      1,      4},
+      {"float*4",      1,      1,      4},
+      {"float64",      1,      1,      8},
+      {"double",               1,      1,      sizeof(double)},
+      {"real*8",               1,      1,      8},
+      {"int8",         0,      1,      1},
+      {"int16",                0,      1,      2},
+      {"int32",                0,      1,      4},
+      {"uint8",                0,      0,      1},
+      {"uint16",               0,      0,      2},
+      {"uint32",               0,      0,      4},
+      {0,              0,      0,      0},
+    };
+   for (p=ref; p->name; p++)
+       if(!strcmp(p->name, prec))
+       {
+         elminf->realv = p->realv;
+         elminf->signedv = p->signedv;
+         return p->size;
+       }
+   error ("not a valid precision");
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /*srb*/
+ tree_constant *
+ fwrite_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargin, int nargout) {
+   tree_constant *retval = NULL_TREE_CONST;
+   Pix p = file_io_get_file (args[1], "wb", "fwrite");
+   if (p == (Pix) NULL)
+     return retval;
+   size_t elmsize = 1;
+   elminfo elminf = {0, 0};
+   long sizer = 1, sizec = 1;
+   union {Matrix*matrix; char*string;} src;
+   enum {matrix,string,scalar} type;
+   if (args[2].is_matrix_type ()) {
+     sizer = (long) args[2].rows ();
+     sizec = (long) args[2].columns ();
+     type = matrix; src.matrix = &args[2].matrix_value ();
+   } 
+   else if (args[2].is_string_type ()) {
+     sizer = (long) strlen(args[2].string_value ());
+     type = string; src.string = args[2].string_value ();
+   }
+   else if (args[2].is_scalar_type ()) {
+     type = scalar;
+   }
+   else
+     goto fwrite_usage;
+   if (args[3].is_string_type ())
+     elmsize = decode_precision (args[3].string_value (), &elminf);
+   else 
+     {
+ fwrite_usage:
+       error ("fwrite: usage error");
+       return retval;
+     }
+   file_info file = file_list (p);
+   size_t count = 0, ir, ic;
+   union {char c[sizeof(double)*2];long l;double d;} buf;
+ #define WRITEbuf(type)                \
+   if(elmsize==sizeof(type))   \
+      *(type*)(void*)&buf = (type)result
+   for (ic = 0; ic < sizec; ic++)
+      for (ir = 0; ir < sizer ; ir++)
+         {
+         double result;
+         switch (type)
+           {
+               case matrix:
+                  result = src.matrix->xelem(ir,ic);
+                  break;
+               case string:
+                  result = src.string[ir];
+                  break;
+               case scalar:
+                  result = args[2].double_value ();
+                  break;
+           }
+         if (elminf.realv)
+           {
+             WRITEbuf(float);
+             else WRITEbuf(double);
+             else goto unk_prec;
+           }
+           else if (elminf.signedv)
+           {
+             WRITEbuf(char);
+             else WRITEbuf(short);
+             else WRITEbuf(int);
+             else WRITEbuf(long);
+             else goto unk_prec;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+             WRITEbuf(unsigned char);
+             else WRITEbuf(unsigned short);
+             else WRITEbuf(unsigned int);
+             else WRITEbuf(unsigned long);
+             else
+                {
+ unk_prec:         error ("fwrite: unknown precision");
+                   return retval;
+                }
+           }
+         if (user_pref.io_swap_bytes)
+          {
+           unsigned char *bufb=NULL, *bufe=NULL;
+           unsigned bufbuf;
+           for (bufb=(unsigned char *)(void *)&buf, bufe=bufb+elmsize-1;
+                bufb<bufe;
+                bufb++, bufe--) {
+             bufbuf = *bufb;
+             *bufb = *bufe;
+             *bufe = bufbuf;
+           }
+          }
+         if (fwrite(&buf, elmsize, 1, file.fptr()) != 1)
+               goto eof;
+         count++;
+       }
+ eof:
+   retval = new tree_constant[2];
+   retval[0] = tree_constant ((double) count);
+   return retval;
+ }
+ tree_constant *
+ fread_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargin, int nargout)
+ {
+   tree_constant *retval = NULL_TREE_CONST;
+   Pix p = file_io_get_file (args[1], "rb", "fread");
+   if (p == (Pix) NULL)
+     return retval;
+   size_t elmsize = 1;
+   elminfo elminf = {0, 0};
+   int variablesize = 1;
+   long sizer = 1, sizec = 1;
+   double d;
+   if (nargin >= 3) {
+     if (args[2].is_scalar_type ())
+       {
+       d = args[2].double_value ();
+       if (((variablesize = (xisinf(d) != 0)) && (d < 0)) ||
+           !variablesize &&
+           (sizer = (long) d) &&
+           (double) NINT (d) != (unsigned long) sizer)
+         {
+           error ("fread: size not a positive integer value");
+           return retval;
+         }
+       }
+     else if (args[2].is_matrix_type ())
+       {
+       sizer = (long) args[2].rows ();
+       sizec = (long) args[2].columns ();
+       variablesize = 0;
+       if (sizer * sizec != 2)
+         {
+           error ("fread: size not a two-valued vector");
+           return retval;
+         }
+       sizec = sizer == 1 ? 
+         (long) args[2].matrix_value ().xelem(0,1) :
+       (long) args[2].matrix_value ().xelem(1,0) ;
+       sizer = (long) args[2].matrix_value ().xelem(0,0) ;
+       if ( sizer <= 0 || sizec <= 0 )
+         {
+           error ("fread: size not of positive integer values");
+           return retval;
+         }
+       }
+     else if (nargin == 3)
+       { if(args[2].is_string_type ())
+            goto fread_readprec;
+         goto fread_usage;
+       }
+   }
+   if (nargin == 4 && args[3].is_string_type ())
+     {
+ fread_readprec:
+       elmsize = decode_precision (args[nargin-1].string_value (), &elminf);
+     }
+    else if (nargin >= 4)
+     {
+ fread_usage:
+       error ("fread: usage error");
+       return retval;
+     }
+   file_info file = file_list (p);
+   Matrix tmp (sizer, sizec, 0.0);
+   size_t count = 0, ir, ic;
+   union {char c[sizeof(double)*2];long l;double d;} buf;
+ #define READ_BUF_SIZE 2048
+ #define READbuf(type)         \
+   if(elmsize==sizeof(type))   \
+      result = *(type*)(void*)&buf
+   for (ic = 0; ic < sizec; ic++)
+      for (ir = 0; ir < sizer ; ir++)
+         {
+         double result;
+         if (fread(&buf, elmsize, 1, file.fptr()) != 1)
+               goto eof;
+         if (variablesize) {
+           if (count % READ_BUF_SIZE == 0)
+             tmp.resize(sizer+READ_BUF_SIZE-1,1);
+           sizer++;
+         }
+         if (user_pref.io_swap_bytes)
+          {
+           unsigned char *bufb=NULL, *bufe=NULL;
+           unsigned bufbuf;
+           for (bufb=(unsigned char *)(void *)&buf, bufe=bufb+elmsize-1;
+                bufb<bufe;
+                bufb++, bufe--) {
+             bufbuf = *bufb;
+             *bufb = *bufe;
+             *bufe = bufbuf;
+           }
+          }
+         if (elminf.realv)
+           {
+             READbuf(float);
+             else READbuf(double);
+             else goto unk_prec;
+           }
+           else if (elminf.signedv)
+           {
+             READbuf(char);
+             else READbuf(short);
+             else READbuf(int);
+             else READbuf(long);
+             else goto unk_prec;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+             READbuf(unsigned char);
+             else READbuf(unsigned short);
+             else READbuf(unsigned int);
+             else READbuf(unsigned long);
+             else
+                {
+ unk_prec:         error ("fread: unknown precision");
+                   return retval;
+                }
+           }
+         tmp.xelem(ir,ic) = result;
+         count++;
+       }
+ eof:
+   if (variablesize)
+     tmp.resize(--sizer,1);
+   if (nargout == 2)
+     {
+       retval = new tree_constant[3];
+       retval[1] = tree_constant ((double) count);
+     }
+   else
+     retval = new tree_constant[2];
+   retval[0] = tree_constant (tmp);
    return retval;
diff -c octave.old/src/file-io.h
*** octave.old/src/file-io.h    Tue Jan 10 08:49:28 1995
---    Tue Jan 10 08:50:02 1995
*** 35,45 ****
--- 35,49 ----
  extern tree_constant *fclose_internal (const tree_constant *args);
  extern tree_constant *fflush_internal (const tree_constant *args);
  extern tree_constant *fgets_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargout);
+ extern tree_constant *fread_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargin,
+  int nargout);
  extern tree_constant *fopen_internal (const tree_constant *args);
  extern tree_constant *freport_internal (void);
  extern tree_constant *frewind_internal (const tree_constant *args);
  extern tree_constant *fseek_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargin);
  extern tree_constant *ftell_internal (const tree_constant *args);
+ extern tree_constant *fwrite_internal (const tree_constant *args, int nargin,
+  int nargout);
  extern void initialize_file_io (void);
diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/        Tue Jan 10 08:49:30 1995
---        Tue Jan 10 08:50:14 1995
*** 643,648 ****
--- 643,664 ----
+  * binary read from a file
+  */
+ tree_constant *
+ builtin_fread (const tree_constant *args, int nargin, int nargout)
+ {
+   tree_constant *retval = NULL_TREE_CONST;
+   if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 4 || nargout > 2)
+     print_usage ("fread");
+   else
+     retval = fread_internal (args, nargin, nargout);
+   return retval;
+ }
+ /*
   * Find nonzero elements.  This should probably only work if
   * do_fortran_indexing is true...
*** 856,861 ****
--- 872,893 ----
      retval = ftell_internal (args);
+   return retval;
+ }
+ /*
+  * binary write to a file
+  */
+ tree_constant *
+ builtin_fwrite (const tree_constant *args, int nargin, int nargout)
+ {
+   tree_constant *retval = NULL_TREE_CONST;
+   if (nargin != 4 || nargout > 1)
+     print_usage ("fwrite");
+   else
+     retval = fwrite_internal (args, nargin, nargout);
    return retval;
diff -c octave.old/src/g-builtins.h
*** octave.old/src/g-builtins.h Tue Jan 10 08:49:30 1995
--- Tue Jan 10 08:50:14 1995
*** 62,67 ****
--- 62,68 ----
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fflush (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fft (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fgets (const tree_constant *, int, int);
+ extern tree_constant *builtin_fread (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_find (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_flops (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fopen (const tree_constant *, int, int);
*** 75,80 ****
--- 76,82 ----
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fsqp (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_fsqp_options (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_ftell (const tree_constant *, int, int);
+ extern tree_constant *builtin_fwrite (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_getenv (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_givens (const tree_constant *, int, int);
  extern tree_constant *builtin_hess (const tree_constant *, int, int);
diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/        Tue Jan 10 08:49:32 1995
---        Tue Jan 10 08:50:33 1995
*** 798,808 ****
        return retval;
!   static istream stream;
!   static ifstream file;
    if (strcmp (*argv, "-") == 0)
!       stream = cin;
--- 798,808 ----
        return retval;
!   istream *stream;
!   ifstream file;
    if (strcmp (*argv, "-") == 0)
!       stream = &cin;
*** 813,819 ****
          error ("load: couldn't open input file `%s'", *argv);
          return retval;
!       stream = file;
    int count = 0;
--- 813,819 ----
          error ("load: couldn't open input file `%s'", *argv);
          return retval;
!       stream = &file;
    int count = 0;
*** 822,828 ****
  // Read name for this entry or break on EOF.
        delete [] nm;
!       nm = extract_keyword (stream, "name");
        if (nm == (char *) NULL)
          if (count == 0)
--- 822,828 ----
  // Read name for this entry or break on EOF.
        delete [] nm;
!       nm = extract_keyword (*stream, "name");
        if (nm == (char *) NULL)
          if (count == 0)
*** 844,850 ****
!       load_variable (nm, force, stream);
        if (error_state)
--- 844,850 ----
!       load_variable (nm, force, *stream);
        if (error_state)
*** 853,861 ****
-   if (file);
-     file.close ();
    return retval;
--- 853,858 ----
*** 960,972 ****
!   static ostream stream;
!   static ofstream file;
    if (strcmp (*argv, "-") == 0)
  // XXX FIXME XXX -- should things intended for the screen end up in a 
  // tree_constant (string)?
!       stream = cout;
    else if (argc == 1 && glob_pattern_p (*argv)) // Guard against things
      {                                         // like `save a*',
--- 957,969 ----
!   ostream *stream;
!   ofstream file;
    if (strcmp (*argv, "-") == 0)
  // XXX FIXME XXX -- should things intended for the screen end up in a 
  // tree_constant (string)?
!       stream = &cout;
    else if (argc == 1 && glob_pattern_p (*argv)) // Guard against things
      {                                         // like `save a*',
*** 982,988 ****
          error ("save: couldn't open output file `%s'", *argv);
          return retval;
!       stream = file;
--- 979,985 ----
          error ("save: couldn't open output file `%s'", *argv);
          return retval;
!       stream = &file;
*** 996,1002 ****
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
!       curr_sym_tab->save (stream, vars[i],
                            is_globally_visible (vars[i]), prec);
        delete [] vars;
--- 993,999 ----
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
!       curr_sym_tab->save (*stream, vars[i],
                            is_globally_visible (vars[i]), prec);
        delete [] vars;
*** 1016,1022 ****
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
              if (fnmatch (*argv, lvars[i], __FNM_FLAGS) == 0
!                 && curr_sym_tab->save (stream, lvars[i],
                                         is_globally_visible (lvars[i]),
                                         prec) != 0)
--- 1013,1019 ----
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
              if (fnmatch (*argv, lvars[i], __FNM_FLAGS) == 0
!                 && curr_sym_tab->save (*stream, lvars[i],
                                         is_globally_visible (lvars[i]),
                                         prec) != 0)
*** 1028,1034 ****
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
              if (fnmatch (*argv, bvars[i], __FNM_FLAGS) == 0
!                 && global_sym_tab->save (stream, bvars[i], 0, prec) != 0)
--- 1025,1031 ----
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
              if (fnmatch (*argv, bvars[i], __FNM_FLAGS) == 0
!                 && global_sym_tab->save (*stream, bvars[i], 0, prec) != 0)
*** 1040,1048 ****
-   if (file);
-     file.close ();
    return retval;
--- 1037,1042 ----
diff -c octave.old/src/
*** octave.old/src/        Tue Jan 10 08:49:32 1995
---        Tue Jan 10 08:50:44 1995
*** 110,115 ****
--- 110,125 ----
+  * Should we swap the bytes while low-level file i/o in order
+  * to get around the machine dependency?
+  */
+ int
+ io_swap_bytes (void)
+ {
+   user_pref.io_swap_bytes = check_str_pref ("io_swap_bytes");
+ }
+ /*
   * Should we allow silent conversion of complex to real when a real
   * type is what we\'re really looking for?
diff -c octave.old/src/user-prefs.h
*** octave.old/src/user-prefs.h Tue Jan 10 08:49:32 1995
--- Tue Jan 10 08:50:44 1995
*** 28,33 ****
--- 28,34 ----
    int do_fortran_indexing;
    int empty_list_elements_ok;
+   int io_swap_bytes;
    int implicit_str_to_num_ok;
    int ok_to_lose_imaginary_part;
    int prefer_column_vectors;
*** 63,68 ****
--- 64,70 ----
  extern int do_fortran_indexing (void);
  extern int empty_list_elements_ok (void);
+ extern int io_swap_bytes (void);
  extern int implicit_str_to_num_ok (void);
  extern int ok_to_lose_imaginary_part (void);
  extern int prefer_column_vectors (void);

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