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Re: about immediate and deferred variable assignment in GNU make

From: Lin George
Subject: Re: about immediate and deferred variable assignment in GNU make
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:58:33 -0700 (PDT)

Thank Paul,
> Doh. I mean "when the _recursive_ variable was assigned."
I think you mean assigned when you mentioned "referenced". Correct?

"Paul D. Smith" <address@hidden> wrote:
%% I wrote:

pds> A recursive variable (expansion is deferred) will have to be
pds> expanded every time the variable is referenced. Any variables in
pds> the value expand to their CURRENT values, not what they were when
pds> the simple variable was assigned.

Doh. I mean "when the _recursive_ variable was assigned."

Paul D. Smith Find some GNU make tips at:
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