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RE: have a problem mixing Make and java.

From: Lawrence, Lynne
Subject: RE: have a problem mixing Make and java.
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:55:30 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden 
> [mailto:address@hidden 
> On Behalf Of richard t
> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 12:51 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: have a problem mixing Make and java.
> heres a minimal version of my make file
> src = ./src
> obj = ./obj
> ui_c = com/rich/tool/ui/MainPanel.class
> db_c= com/rich/tool/db/Connect.class \
>           com/rich/tool/db/User.class
> tl_c =  com/rich/tool/Tool.class

>From the looks of your rule below, it looks like you want the .class
files to end up under $(obj).  In this case, you should preface each
filename above with $(ojb) (ex. ui_c =

> classes = $(ui_c) $(db_c) $(tl_c)
> target: $(classes)
>        echo "done"
> $(classes) : $(subst .class,.java,$(subst
> $(obj),$(src),$(classes)))
>        javac $(JFLAGS) $(subst $(src)/,,$<)

If my assumption above is correct, try this (I have not actually run it
myself, but it should get you close):

$(classes): $(obj)/%.class: $(src)/
        javac $(JFLAGS) -d $(obj) $< 

> ok the problem that I get is that the macro ($<) does
> not seem to iterate for the
> different source files and I would like to know why
> that happens, and also a problem is that when a source
> file gets changed Make doesnt seem to know that it
> needs to recompile the source for it and I would like
> to know why that is...
> in the gnu make user's manual you should be able to do
> something like:
> $(dir)/%.o : $(dir)/%.c
>     $(cc) $(cflags) $<
> so I would think that my makefile should work. as a
> sideline note, I did make a work around for this by
> using the target macro $@ which does seem to iterate
> through the target list. Unfortunately I still have
> the problem where a modified source doesn't trigger
> make to recompile it.
> - richt
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