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Re: Partition labels in GRUB2 menu?

From: Richard Owlett
Subject: Re: Partition labels in GRUB2 menu?
Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 07:22:55 -0500
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Andrey Borzenkov wrote:
Let's not mess things up. update-grub is program provided by your
distribution. Any comments about this command should be addressed to
your distribution, not to upstream list.
How does upstream do things? documented?

No, /etc/grub.d/10_linux as shipped by upstream grub does not support
what you want. As I already said, you can either modify it or disable
and add your own script that does what you want.
Upstream version documented?

Additional OS are provided by os-prober which is not part of grub.
Upstream accomplishes how?

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