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Re: gfxmode=auto. how is resolution calculated?

From: Andrey Borzenkov
Subject: Re: gfxmode=auto. how is resolution calculated?
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 08:19:31 +0400

В Fri, 15 Mar 2013 16:47:57 -0700
Jordan Uggla <address@hidden> пишет:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Carrot Cruncher
> <address@hidden> wrote:
> > hi. can i ask how the resolution used is calculated when setting the gfxmode
> > setting to auto in grub2. i have a laptop where vbeinfo shows the highest
> In grub 2.00 I believe that what is used is the highest resolution
> supported by VBE (or GOP,UGA, or whatever interface is available) that
> is *also* supported by your monitor, as reported in the monitor's EDID
> information.

This is also adapter dependent. For VBE and GOP it takes preferred
mode from EDID, it does not check each available mode. So it is quite
possible that 1920x1080x32 is not what manufacturer thinks is

For other adapters it simply hardcodes default. I guess chances to see
Cirrus in the wild are pretty low today, but I'm not sure when VGA
could be selected.

> > resolution as being 1920x1080x32 but this isn't what is being used. without
> Does your monitor support this resolution?
> > hardcoding the resolution, is there a way to configure grub2 to use the
> > highest resolution detected? thanks.
> Well clearly that is what should already happen when gfxmode=auto, so
> we need to figure out why that apparently isn't happening for you,
> then go from there.
> What version of grub are you using?
> Could you post the full output of "videoinfo" from the grub shell,
> either via a picture from a camera, serial log, or (if you're really
> ambitious) typing it out manually?

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