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Issue about booting uCOS with grub2

From: 张立文
Subject: Issue about booting uCOS with grub2
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:26:12 +0800 (CST)

 I am a undergraduate student and also a grub2 new beginner. I see your name in the THANKS of grub2 witch I downloaded from gnu website. 
I do some embedded system with x86 and uCOS(a real time Operating System). We used grub to boot the system in CF card and succeeded before. But I want to boot it with grub2 for some reasons now. There are so many differences from grub to grub2. Therefore I don't how to change the simple config file of grub just as fellow to the grub.cfg of grub2. Can you give me some tips?
title ostest
    root (fd0)
    kernel /kernel

p.s The makefile to create uCOS kernel is attached

Best Regards
Living Chang

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

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