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Re: re Rescue Mode (Tech Support Department)

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: re Rescue Mode (Tech Support Department)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 19:48:35 +0200


You can simply browse your partition via the liveCD's file browser  (or/and  'gksudo nautilus' if root permission needed).
This will allow you to backup your documents to an external disk (or DVDs..)
Then follow the tutorial

Your partition table is ok, so you shouldn't need TestDisk nor other "data recovery" tool.


2012/9/24 Tom Davies <address@hidden>
Hi :)
Errrr is it time to think about data-recovery?  ie get a 'new' hard-drive and make that bootable and repair the 'old' hard-drive while booted into the 'new' one?
(my variant on the advice effectively uses the 'new' partition to make the machine act as a new machine with the 'old' drive only plugged back in after you have successfully booted into the 'new' drive a couple of times.  Don't plug in nor unplug while powered up of course!).  I think in the guide they tend to prefer LiveCds but i try to go for something faster even if it takes a little while to set it up. 
Regards from
Tom :) 

From: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
To: Tom Davies <address@hidden>
Cc: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2012, 18:08
Subject: Re: re Rescue Mode (Tech Support Department)

Hello Tom,

I fear your system partition is badly damaged, because Boot-Repair couldn't detect any GRUB executable (grub-install) in it, and worse: no apt-get executable at all.
So the problem is not GRUB.
If i were you, i would try to fix the system files this way:


2012/9/24 Tom Davies <address@hidden>
Hi :)
If it's not possible to recover Grub2 is it possible to reinstall? 

Personally i still haven't got out of the old Windows-support habit of just reinstalling instead of spending time trying to analyse and fix.  Grub2 should be reasonably easy to install on almost any type of partition. 

I think i might create a special partition purely for booting from.  A boot partition.  It's a bit old-school as i haven't seen one for years but they used to be very popular.  In some situations it might be possible to copy&paste your grub config file but even if not the newer version of grub2 would probably be able to find all the OSes that are bootable on your machine. 

I don't think it finds ones inside a virtual machine that you would run from inside one of the partitions (although obviously you can install directly into a virtual machine that could then boot any bootable OSes inside that virtual machine).  I guess if you could somehow get the bios to start-up a virtual machine then it could let Grub2 boot that but i think that would be really weird and freaky and possibly even scary. 

Anyway, many apols if a reinstall has already proven impossible.  I haven't been following this thread so it might be an inherently bad suggestion but reinstalls have always worked for me! :)
Regards from
Tom :) 

>A special Thank You to yannubuntu for the excellent work in
      obtaining a boot repair report at
>Unfortunately, the only remaining solution is to figure a way to
      mount the LVM partitions and copy off any data to save.  Don't
      know how to do that.
>But I did want everyone to know that GRUB2 cannot be recovered in
      certain situations, which is too bad.  I would like to know if
      this is an OS-dependent operation or if GRUB should be able to be
      fixed in any situation.
>Thanks all.
> Tech Support Department wrote:

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