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Re: [SOLVED] Re: Grub2 editable floppy?

From: Robert
Subject: Re: [SOLVED] Re: Grub2 editable floppy?
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 13:37:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20110928 Firefox/7.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.4.1

Robert wrote:
wangji wrote:
have a look
at :

I first tried it simuliar with a trick to partition the floppy
image with partition 1 at 32K Start. .. "losetup -o32256
/dev/loop1 fd.img"
Once this worked somehow, but it was not really a usable rw
floppy, as a special mount is necessary. And I could not reproduce

Now the script below creates a legal editable rw vfat
floppy (image). Could be even edited easily on DOS/Windows.

(in Grub2 v1.99 there seems to be a bug with the new and required
option "-a" however. v1.98 is ok)

well after retrying decently it works with "-a" in Grub2 v1.99 too 
attached: the updated (semi-)script for creating a Grub2 VFAT 
editable boot floppy. read it before using ;-)


Description: application/shellscript

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