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Re: Request for Help.

From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: Re: Request for Help.
Date: 29 May 2001 22:34:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090003 (Oort Gnus v0.03) Emacs/20.7

Leon Kirsch <address@hidden> writes:

> First , many thanks to everybody involved in the development
> of lilypond-1.4 , for the great work (s)he has done and
> that it is freely available.


> Trying to typeset a piece of choir-music with 4 staves and two
> or more verses / staff , I could not manage to merge the 4 staves
> and verses into one choirstaff beam.

What exactly do you mean by choirstaff beam?

Maybe InnerChoirStaff below is what you mean.


From: Leon Kirsch <address@hidden>
Subject: Request for Help.
To: Lilypond Help <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 18:52:29 +0200
Reply-To: address@hidden
Organization: -

Hi ,

First , many thanks to everybody involved in the development
of lilypond-1.4 , for the great work (s)he has done and
that it is freely available.

Working formerly with lilypond-1.2.17 , I really appreciate
the new features e.g.
    - point-and-click
    - 'stanza' for lyrics                / v1.2.17 ; I corrected 
    - tweaking for bar number shifting   \ these in the TeX files
Trying to typeset a piece of choir-music with 4 staves and two
or more verses / staff , I could not manage to merge the 4 staves
and verses into one choirstaff beam.

The best I ended up is attached as

Can someone help me , please.

Thank you very much.
Léon Kirsch

\version "1.3.148"
%       $db  Notation:  LY  /MUSIC/Lilypond-Work/Tpl-140/  SATB 
- x verses skeleton
%       SuSE62  address@hidden  Fri May 25 19:47:32 2001

title = "Title"
subtitle = ""
composer = "Composer"
poet     = "Poet"
piece    = "Piece"
footer   = "footer"
arranger = "Arranger"
tagline  = "\\\\Lilypond - SATB\_4v\" +
           "\\\\Typeset using Lilypond 1.4.0" +
           "address@hidden  24-Mai-2001"

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
#(define note '(columns(music "noteheads-2" ((kern . -0.1) "flags-stem"))))
#(define eight-note `(columns ,note  ((kern . -0.1) (music ((raise . 3.5) 
#(define dotted-eight-note `(columns ,eight-note (music "dots-dot")))

papersize = "a4"
\include ""

TenorOne = \notes \context Voice = TenorOne {
    \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    \property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #3
    \property Staff.instrument = "Tenor 1 \ "
    \property Staff.instr      = "T1 \ "
        \time 6/4
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        r1^#`((columns (font-relative-size . -1)), eight-note " = 64")
    r4 f' |
        f'2 f'4 a'2 bes'4 |
        c''2 d''4 c''2 c''4 |
        f'2 f'4 a'2 bes'4 |
        c''2 d''4 c''2. |
        c''2 d''4 a'2 bes'4 \bar "|."

TenorOneVerseOne = \lyrics {
        _1 _4 Nun4          |
        sing-2 get4 und2 seid4   |
        froh2 -4 -2 ",jauchzt"4  |
        al-2 le4 und2 sagt4    |
        so:2 -4 -2.            | %5
        Uns-2 ers4 Her-2 zens4 |


TenorOneVerseTwo = \lyrics {
        _1 _4 Sohn4         |
        Got-2 tes4 in2 der4 |
        H\"oh2 -4 -2 nach4  |
        dir2 ist4 mir2 so4  |
        weh2 -4 -2.              | %5
        Tr\"ost2 mir4 mein2 Ge-4 |


TenorTwo = \notes \context Voice = TenorTwo {
    \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    \property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #3
    \property Staff.instrument = "Tenor 2 \ "
    \property Staff.instr      = "T2 \ "
        \time 6/4
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        r1 r4 f'            |
        f'2 f'4 a'2 bes'4   |
        c''2 d''4 c''2 c''4 |
        f'2 f'4 a'2 bes'4   |
        c''2 d''4 c''2. |
        c''2 d''4 a'2 bes'4 \bar "|."

TenorTwoVerseOne = \lyrics {
        _1 _4 Nun4                |
        sing-2 get4 und2 seid4    |
        froh2 -4 -2 ", jauchzt"4  |
        al-2 le4 und2 sagt4       |
        so:2 -4 -2.            | %5
        Uns-2 ers4 Her-2 zens4 |


TenorTwoVerseTwo = \lyrics {
        _1 _4 Sohn4         |
        Got-2 tes4 in2 der4 |
        H\"oh2 -4 -2 nach4  |
        dir2 ist4 mir2 so4  |
        weh2 -4 -2.              | %5
        Tr\"ost2 mir4 mein2 Ge-4 |


BassOne = \notes \context Voice = BassOne {
    \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
    \property Staff.instrument = "Bass 1 \ "
    \property Staff.instr      = "B1 \ "
        \time 6/4
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        r1 r2 |
        r1 r2 |
        r4 r f' f'2 f'4 |
        a'2 bes'4 c''2 d''4 |
        c'' a' f' f'2 f'4 |
        a'2 bes'4 c''2 d''4 \bar "|."

BassOneVerseOne = \lyrics {
        _1 _2                  |
        _1 _2                  |
        _4 _4 Nun4 sing-2 et4  |
        und2 seid-4 froh2.     |
        -2 ",jauchzt"4 al-2 le4  | %5
        und2 sagt4 so:2.       |

BassOneVerseTwo = \lyrics {
        _1 _2               |
        _1 _2               |
        _2 Sohn4 Got-2 tes4 |
        in2 der4 H\"oh-2.   |
        -2 nach4 dir2 ist4  | %5
        mir2 so4 weh-2.     |

BassTwo = \notes \context Voice = BassTwo {
    \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
    \property Staff.instrument = "Bass 2 \ "
    \property Staff.instr      = "B2 \ "
        \time 6/4
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        r1 r2 |
        r1 r2 |
        r4 r f' f'2 f'4 |
        a'2 bes'4 c''2 d''4 |
        c'' a' f' f'2 f'4 |
        a'2 bes'4 c''2 d''4 \bar "|."

BassTwoVerseOne = \lyrics {
        _1 _2                  |
        _1 _2                  |
        _4 _4 Nun4 sing-2 et4  |
        und2 seid-4 froh2.     |
        -2 ",jauchzt"4 al-2 le4  | %5
        und2 sagt4 so:2.       |

BassTwoVerseTwo = \lyrics {
        _1 _2               |
        _1 _2               |
        _2 Sohn4 Got-2 tes4 |
        in2 der4 H\"oh-2.   |
        -2 nach4 dir2 ist4  | %5
        mir2 so4 weh-2.     |

TenorOneStaff = \context InnerChoirStaff = "TenorOneStaff" <

TenorOneWords = \lyrics <
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-1" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 1. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 1. "
                \TenorOneVerseOne }
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-2" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 2. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 2. "
                \TenorOneVerseTwo }

TenorOneVocals = <
       \context InnerChoirStaff = "upOne" <
           \notes { \clef "treble"   \TenorOne }
           { \context Lyrics = vocalT \TenorOneWords }

TenorTwoStaff = \context InnerChoirStaff = "TenorTwoStaff" <

TenorTwoWords = \lyrics <
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-1" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 1. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 1. "
                \TenorTwoVerseOne }
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-2" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 2. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 2. "
                \TenorTwoVerseTwo }

TenorTwoVocals = <
       \context InnerChoirStaff = "upTwo" <
           \notes { \clef "treble"   \TenorTwo }
           { \context Lyrics = vocalT \TenorTwoWords }

BassOneStaff = \context InnerChoirStaff = "BassOneStaff" <

BassOneWords = \lyrics <
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-1" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 1. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 1. "
                \BassOneVerseOne }
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-2" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 2. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 2. "
                \BassOneVerseTwo }

BassOneVocals = <
       \context InnerChoirStaff = "downOne" <
           \notes { \clef "bass"   \BassOne }
           { \context Lyrics = vocalB \BassOneWords }

BassTwoStaff = \context InnerChoirStaff = "BassTwoStaff" <

BassTwoWords = \lyrics <
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-1" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 1. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 1. "
                \BassTwoVerseOne }
                \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-2" {
                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "\hspace{28mm} 2. "
                \property LyricsVoice . stz    = "\hspace{20mm} 2. "
                \BassTwoVerseTwo }

BassTwoVocals = <
       \context InnerChoirStaff = "downTwo" <
           \notes { \clef "bass"   \BassTwo }
           { \context Lyrics = vocalB \BassTwoWords }

\score {
    \context ChoirStaff <
        \paper {
           indent = 10.0\mm 
           textheight = 23.7\cm 
           linewidth = 18.0\cm
           \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext }
           \translator {
             SystemStartDelimiter \override #'glyph = #'bar-line
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 80

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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