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bug#7937: not entirely sure how to go about this, my first bug fix.

From: Stephen Meister
Subject: bug#7937: not entirely sure how to go about this, my first bug fix.
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 07:54:56 -0400

  I've tried to fix bug #7937 (my patch is attached).  I've also tried to
join the bug-gnu-emacs mailing list but I don't think the subscription
request has completed yet.  Is it required to be a member of that mailing
list before sending a message to
  Also, is it ok to have the subject of my email formatted as I do here
("bug#XYZ: --description--")?
  Further, given that I'm currently unemployed for the next week is it
acceptable to submit code without an employer signing any paperwork as I
don't technically have an employer?  In the past I have completed the
copyright assignment for emacs ( #1776190 via Craig Topham).


Attachment: bug7937.patch
Description: Text Data

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