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Re: Password prompt inside Emacs with epg-gpg-program -> "gpg2"?

From: tomas
Subject: Re: Password prompt inside Emacs with epg-gpg-program -> "gpg2"?
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 09:58:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 10:11:07AM +0100, Joakim Jalap wrote:
> Michael Heerdegen <> writes:
> > Dunno.  Maybe it's easy to extract a password for an encrypted file
> > from the swap partition if it is included there.
> Well, that depends on your definition of easy :) First of all it would
> require you to know that there is such a thing as a swap partition. I
> think that rules out about 99% of the people who might find my laptop on
> a train :)
> But I totally understand if you want more security than that,
> personally I just think that anyone with that level of sofistication
> (can dump a swap partition and analyze it to get my password) will be
> able to hack me anyway, if they wanted to.

If that's your threat model, I'd rather recommend using encrypted
file systems (yes, swap too). Don't lose a "running" laptop.

(yes, a bit off-topic, but as a reminder that to have some grip on
those things you have to try to develop threat models you care about,
otherwise it's just waving hands: necessary at the beginning, but
not yet the point at which you should rush to implement stuff).

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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