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Map a 'responsible' name to multiple addresses?

From: Jo A Wahle
Subject: Map a 'responsible' name to multiple addresses?
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:11:16 -0600

Several of our projects like to have the category's default 'responsible' be a general name like 'such-and-such-project-lead', then if the lead also wears a developer's hat, the "real" person may be assigned the PR for development - it shows quickly which PRs are actually in the hands of developers and which ones are in the lead's lap. I have one project that would like to have that general name map to two e-mail addresses, so I tried it - in the 'responsible' file, I defined
some-project-lead:Some Project Lead:address@hidden,address@hidden
And it looks like it works, except that it put the two addresses twice in the To: field of the e-mail:
To: address@hidden,address@hidden,address@hidden,address@hidden
Any thoughts?
My other workaround would be to just put one address in the 'responsible' file, then in the 'categories' file, for each of the categories, list that name and add the other address in the 'notify' list. That wouldn't be the end of the world, either, but if the 'responsible' name can map to two addresses, that's really how the project wants it to look, and then any updates can be made in one place as the lead responsibilties get reassigned over time. I don't know why it's putting the addresses twice in the e-mails, though.

Jo Wahle, Software Engineer, Engineering Support, SAIC
(Science Applications International Corporation –
Contractor to U.S. Geological Survey – EROS, Sioux Falls SD 57198
(Earth Resources Observation and Science –

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