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[Help-glpk] RE: Error when using "table"

From: Meketon, Marc
Subject: [Help-glpk] RE: Error when using "table"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:02:40 -0600

Now this is occurring in the second "table" statement.  So it get's through the first "table" statement that has both the "DELETE FROM" and the "INSERT TO" sql statement, and bombs on the next "table" statement that has only a single "INSERT INTO" sql statement.  And this occurs sporadically.
Still wondering if this is a timing issue of some sort.

From: help-glpk-bounces+address@hidden [mailto:help-glpk-bounces+address@hidden On Behalf Of Meketon, Marc
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 2:04 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Help-glpk] Error when using "table"

I've been building a model using GUSEK for the IDE, which seems to use GLPK 4.44.
From time to time, when writing out to an Access table using the "table" feature, I get a message from Windows saying "GLPSOL.EXE has stopped working"
GUSEK then reports an "Exit code: -1073740940".
I have 3 "table" statements, all of them writing to the same database table.  In the first "table" statement, I have 2 SQL statements:  a "DELETE FROM tbl;" followed by an "INSERT INTO tbl" type statement.  In the second and third "table" statement, I have only one SQL statement, an "INSERT INTO" type.
When I change the first "table" command to output to CSV file, the output looks fine.  And the other two "table" statements work fine.  Then I change the first "table" statement back to using ODBC, and suddenly it works - at least for the next 10 times I run it.  But then it stops working, and doesn't work again till I repeat the "CSV" trick.
Question 1:  I suspect that there is a timing issue with having two SQL statements - that Access hadn't released the table yet after the DELETE FROM statement before it tried to do the INSERT INTO.  Is that possible?  Is there anything I can do about it.
Question 2:  Just to play it safe, I tried to create a fourth "table" statement with the DELETE FROM sql in it, and run that first at the beginning.  Except that it does not work.  Specifically I tried (after finding something that syntactically works):
    table result2 {x in EMPTY_TYPES : x=""} # this is the null set, no string in EMPTY_TYPES is blank
        OUT 'ODBC'
      'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=' & DB_LOCATION & ';'
      'DELETE FROM fc_ForecastEmpties;' : 1~ID;
But it did not delete the records, and the GLPSOL output says:
    Writing result2...
    Connected to ACCESS 04.00.0000 - C:\Forecast.mdb
    INSERT INTO DELETE FROM tbl_result; ( ID ) VALUES ( ? )
So by not having an INSERT INTO statement, it looks like the "table" statement put one in automatically, and in an unexpected place.

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