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Re: [Help-glpk] INFORMS and GLPK

From: Brady Hunsaker
Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] INFORMS and GLPK
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 19:49:58 -0500
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Hi Joey,

For the annual meeting, one possibility is to organize one or more sessions (preferably with 4 talks each). If someone were willing to do this, then I could help you get in touch with the organizer of the open-source track (or computing as a back-up).

Basically, as soon as someone is willing to take responsibility for organizing a session (or more than one), then we can get in touch with the track organizer to see if they'll reserve a spot. The actual speakers will need to be recruited and submit abstracts by a deadline in May (or around then). To get a session reserved, you probably want to make contact by early 2011.

If there is just one or two talks, then we could put you in touch with the track organizer to see whether they can help find a home for them in other sessions. That could happen more like March or April, I guess.


On 11/12/2010 07:23 PM, Rios, Joseph L. (ARC-AFO) wrote:
Hi all,

Not sure how many GLPK users attended INFORMS this year, but I noticed
that there wasn’t any formal representation of this nice bundle of code.
Obviously there were vendors selling commercial packages, but there was
also a booth by the COIN-OR folks along with several sessions sponsored
by or all about COIN-OR.

Made me think that it would be interesting and appropriate to have some
sort of GLPK session at INFORMS. Not sure what form that would take, but
since INFORMS just past, there should be some time to think about it.
Also have no idea how to go about working something out with the INFORMS
folks to make it happen. If there were some sort of session, I’d be
happy to present something regarding how my research has benefitted from
GLPK and would enjoy hearing how others have used it and/or what the
plans are for future development.

Basically, just opening this up for discussion with the potential for
some action. Any thoughts?


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