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Re: Hyperbole debbugs fields incompatible with debbugs-get-bugs.

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: Hyperbole debbugs fields incompatible with debbugs-get-bugs.
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 17:39:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Robert Weiner <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Bob,

>> "pending" is the field debbugs keeps the status of a bug. It could have
>> the values "pending", "forwarded", "fixed" and "done". You'll ask for
>> this with the :status keyword in debbugs-get-bugs.
> (debbugs-get-bugs :status "pending" :package "hyperbole")
>      returns nil even though there are 3 pending bugs.
> (debbugs-get-bugs :severity "normal" :package "hyperbole")
>      this works properly and returns 3 bugs.

You're right, my memories serve bad. The status is kept in the "pending"
attribute of the debbugs database. But in your :status query, you could
use the values "done", "forwarded" and "open".

(debbugs-get-bugs :status "open" :package "hyperbole")
    returns the three bugs as expected.

I'll see, whether I need to fix something in the debbugs.el package. If
you want to see the Debbugs::SOAP interface, check

>> I confirm that this is a little bit confusing. Most of the cases, the
>> query keywords, and the attribute names in the debbugs database are
>> identical. The pending/status and originator/submitter cases are the
>> only exceptions I remember. We follow in debbugs.el, what the
>> Debbugs::SOAP interface from Debian has specified.
> How they ended up with a pending field instead of a status field, I'll
> never understand but I understand that you are mostly just using
> Debian's schema.  This is more than a bit confusing though, it really
> feels like an incompatibility but given all the existing bugs in
> packages I see that you wouldn't want to change the schema.

Again, I try to explain such things in the Debbugs Programmer Manual and
Debbugs User Guide. Try

(info "(debbugs)Top")
(info "(debbugs-ug)Top")

Beat me for everything what is not clear :-)

> Cheers,
> Bob

Best regards, Michael.

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