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Re: [Health] grasp data from paper and report of it with proteus, how?

From: Edgar Hagenbichler
Subject: Re: [Health] grasp data from paper and report of it with proteus, how?
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 09:13:36 +0200 (CEST)

Hello Tom, 

>How is done in the typical applications nowadays
>- of the real world cases of tryton like you and of which you_ know of-
>the typical solution for grasping data from let's say a paper and make a report of it?

The typical solution in a hospital information system and archiving system in an Austrian hospital nowadays would be:
- make a (paper) copy of the medical report that the patient provides for the doctor and put it into the records
- after the hospital stay: scan the whole bundle of the clinical records (that means e.g. the medical reports and charts of the stay, and the paper copy mentioned above)
- (the scan has to meet a lot of legal obligations, e.g. in precision, data security, time of archiving, etc.)
- tag the whole scan with patient´s data (name, birth date, internal code for the stay)
Usually you have no possibility to retrieve the data easily, you have to look for the whole scan and find the piece of interest for you.

>Let' say making use of proteus:
Could please give a link to proteus? Is it free software?

>use the scanner adf as software interface, for example bash
>use a free ocr tool, by free software
>use tryton to have an say report from the data.
How exactly to get the report? Do you want to structure the data further? (What would be necessary IMHO)

>I call this tool-chain or work flow and how could then a tool chain of data-on-paper-to-computer-data been
>sketched and how could its availabilitity hold for being later or now discussed on.

Yes, this woul be really cool.

>On that I would like to open a conversation.
I want to join the conversation ;)

 >It is that I wanted to invest time for investigating this things on my on: Is it not done with a handful proteus commands?
Could you please provide more information, e.g. a link to a tutorial for proteus?
Many thanks!
Best regards

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