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Re: [h5md-user] graphical notation

From: Felix Höfling
Subject: Re: [h5md-user] graphical notation
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:57:08 +0200
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.50 (Linux)

Am 30.08.2011, 08:38 Uhr, schrieb Pierre de Buyl <address@hidden>:

Le 29 août 11 à 03:44, Felix Höfling a écrit :

Our tree diagrams should have different notations for groups, datasets, and attributes to make the structure more transparent. If we want to use UTF-8, it could look like this:

     \-- group1
          \-- position
          |    \→ sample
          |    |    \… minimum
          |    |    \… maximum
          |    \→ step
          |    \→ time

Looking into "more usual", I can think of keeping the present notation for groups and datasets. Altough it does not make a distinction between the two, it has never posed a problem to me.
OK, a dataset can be identified as a leaf of the tree (once the attributes are distinguished).

Regarding attributes, I agree that they should be denoted in a different way.
I propose
      \-- group1
           \-- position
           |    \-- sample
           |    |    +-- minimum
           |    |    +-- maximum
           |    \-- step
           |    \-- time
      \-- group1
           \-- position
           |    \-- sample
           |    |    --- minimum
           |    |    --- maximum
           |    \-- step
           |    \-- time
that is, using "+--" or "---" for the attributes.

I prefer "+--", it provides still some connection to the line above. An alternative I was thinking about was to put the attributes at the same line as the dataset:

       \-- group1
            \-- position
            |    \-- sample --> minimum, maximum
            |    \-- step
            |    \-- time

Shall optional attributes be enclosed in brackets? E.g.,

       \-- group1
            \-- position
            |    \-- sample
            |    |    +-- [minimum]
            |    |    +-- [maximum]
            |    \-- step
            |    \-- time


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