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[bug#66199] [PATCH] gnu: librepcb: Update to 1.0.0.

From: pinoaffe
Subject: [bug#66199] [PATCH] gnu: librepcb: Update to 1.0.0.
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 18:06:36 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2

Thanks again!

Vinicius Monego <> writes:
> Em 26/09/2023 09:08, pinoaffe escreveu:
>> Vinicius Monego <> writes:
>>> The commit message should also mention the switch to
>>> cmake-build-system, the "not overriding" of the configure phase, the
>>> new inputs and the test skip..
>> I wasn't sure how to phrase / format this, is what I arrived at OK?
> You can check the logs of e.g. commit
> 19617735df2b1af3b169d8153ae543ad3e0fc1a1 for reference.
Ah yes, I'll try to replicate that

> 'googletest' should be a native input, it's a test requirement only.
oh yes, of course, thanks!

> [Comment on the LibrePCB update patch specifically]: This v2 is much
> better, thanks. While investigating the build I also found a few more
> things that could be improved:
> - The bundles that were unvendored can be deleted in a source snippet
>   (see e.g. the mixxx package).

> - LibrePCB builds a test executable at
>   tests/unittests/librepcb-unittests. Instead of 'make test', that
>   file could be run manually when overriding the check phase.

> - The license list should be updated as some of the bundles listed
>   there are not being provided anymore, or even better let it be only
>   gpl3+ because that's the license of the final product.
I removed all of the licenses and license comments that were no longer
relevant, but there's still some non-GPL3+ code involved, so I figured
I'd keep those licenses around.

> - I got two merge conflicts on
>   06dc36ffb7cde821a4762b299d1c95b3788ba110, please rebase it to the
>  latest commit.

> If the tests are too problematic that's fine, I can merge this patch
> with the other changes later this week.
> Vinicius

Kind regards, pinoaffe

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