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[bug#66199] [PATCH] gnu: librepcb: Update to 1.0.0.

From: pinoaffe
Subject: [bug#66199] [PATCH] gnu: librepcb: Update to 1.0.0.
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 14:08:23 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2


thank you for your review!

Vinicius Monego <> writes:
> The commit message should also mention the switch to
> cmake-build-system, the "not overriding" of the configure phase, the
> new inputs and the test skip..
I wasn't sure how to phrase / format this, is what I arrived at OK?

> Inputs should be sorted alphabetically.

> The comment about lrelease can be removed as lrelease is not being
> manually invoked anymore, and the native inputs list can be squashed
> in one line.

> There are options in LibrePCB's CMakeLists.txt to unvendor some
> dependencies:
I unvendored all of the mentioned dependencies apart from dxflib (I
couldn't get it to build).

> The only dependencies we do not have is dxflib and fontobene-qt5. It
> failed to find muparser and polyclipping ('clipper' package in Guix),
> I don't know why.
Adding pkg-config as a native dependency seems to have done the trick

> It would be best to unvendor as many dependencies as possible. Could
> you send an updated patch? Optionally, you can try to package
> fontobene-qt5 and have cmake find muparser and polyclipping.

I'll send some updated patches in a minute

Kind regards,

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