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[bug#64748] [PATCH] gnu: webrtc-for-telegram-desktop: Update to a45d8b8

From: Distopico
Subject: [bug#64748] [PATCH] gnu: webrtc-for-telegram-desktop: Update to a45d8b8
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 18:09:13 -0500

On 2023-07-21, Saku Laesvuori <> wrote:

> I mean the commit message. Now your commit message's ChangeLog only
> mentions updating webrtc-for-telegram-desktop. See my last telegram
> commit 6192acf8b77 for an example of what I'm talking about.
> I would assume the ChangeLog file is autogenerated based on the commit
> messages.
Make sense, I'll update the patch to add more description

> You would probably have to patch the `CMakeLists.txt` so it doesn't try
> to build libsrtp from source, see what I did with crc32c in the
> mentioned commit for reference. It is quite possible that telegram
> doesn't actually need the source code and they are simply using a git
> submodule to simplify their own dependency versioning and development.
> You might also have to add a new libsrtp version because the one
> packaged in Guix is not configured to use openssl unlike telegram
> expects. I'd still try the packaged version first if compiling telegram
> a few more times isn't a big problem for you.
I tried but didn't work, this change is similar to **libyuv**, that have
reference to the source code of that external library: example

So the case of **libsrtp** is similar, check for example:

So change that will require patch several files, not just
`CMakeLists.txt`, patch all those file will be make this package hard to

but you can try if you want and let me know if works.

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