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Distributed GNU Shepherd NLNet Grant

From: Juliana Sims
Subject: Distributed GNU Shepherd NLNet Grant
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:19:15 -0400

Dear comrades,

As some of you already know, in December I submitted an application for an NLNet grant to fund porting our beloved Shepherd to Spritely Goblins [1]. This work would represent a radical evolution in the capabilities of not just Guix's system layer, but of GNU/Linux system layers in general; and would also be the biggest real-world test to date of the Goblins library and its capabilities (pun not intended). Materially, it would allow Shepherd dæmons running on different machines to securely communicate and interact with each other, going so far as to control one machine's dæmons from another machine.

I am happy to announce that this grant application was approved! [2]

While there remain some administrative tasks to complete before work can begin, I wanted to make the community aware of this upcoming effort and to invite you all to collaborate in this process. My hands may be the ones on the keyboard, but I want this to be a community project. I welcome questions and feedback about the project's goals and direction.

You can learn more about object-capability security, the basis of Goblins, from Spritely's "The Heart of Spritely" whitepaper [3] as well as (which the whitepaper cites heavily). You can learn more about Goblins and this specific project at the links cited above.

Thank you to everyone who supported the application process. Ludo, I wouldn't have the courage to attempt this if I didn't know I have your support. Also, this grew from your idea of integrating Goblins and the Shepherd in the first place. Christine, I couldn't do this at all if not for your and Spritely's work, and I wouldn't have applied for this grant without your encouragement. Thank you as well to everyone who's talked with me about this project, shared ideas and excitement, or just not gotten mad at me for emailing them questions out of the blue - I'm sure you know who you are. Knowing the community supports this work only increases my desire to do it. Last but most assuredly not least, thanks to NLNet for funding this project. Y'all are an incredible positive force in free software and thereby the world. Keep up the good work!

I look forward to working together with all of you over the coming months!



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