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Re: the right to rewrite history to rectify the past (was Re: Concerns/q

From: MSavoritias
Subject: Re: the right to rewrite history to rectify the past (was Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive)
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:12:54 +0200
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On 3/20/24 19:22, Giovanni Biscuolo wrote:

Hello Ludovic and Guix devel community!

Disclaimer: I've still not read all the relevant threads [3] [4], so
please forgive me if I repeat some information already provided.

What rights are we talking about?

You are making the same misconception as some other people in the thread here.

We are talking about social rules that we have here in the Guix community not legal/state rules.

Specifically the social rules that we support trans people and we want to include them. Any person really that want to change their name at some point for some reason.

To that end we listen to their concerns/wishes and we accommodate them.

As a *free software* user do I have the right to redistribute /old/
copies of the source code and documentation I got in the past from the
copyright holder, in any form (e.g. print)?... or to use old sources or
documentation to develop derived work, with _attribution_, without
asking for consent from the original authors and/or contact the original
authors to ask them what is their current name?

Copyright is not consent. When we are talking about consent we are talking about it in social rules.

See also as a nice paper for consent in tech.

If yes, I would like to exercise all my rights without being harassed.

Again this has nothing to do with rights granted by states. This is about including people and making them feel safe and respected.


Also, SHW and other organizations (re)distributing free software have
their rights and should excercise them without being harassed.

Ludovic Courtès <> writes:


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