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Sanitizer of record fields?

From: zimoun
Subject: Sanitizer of record fields?
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2022 09:59:15 +0200


The website is currently failing [1] to build because a typo in some
package declaration.  The error message is not very helpful,

        srfi/srfi-1.scm:241:2: In procedure map:
        In procedure map: Wrong type argument: "";
        building pages in '/tmp/'...

and it was not straightforward to find the issue.  Using some ’pk’ in
the website builder restricted the origin of the failure; but still.
Thanks to Florian, they found this commit [2] introducing the package
qtshadertools where a field is unexpected,

        +    (license (package-home-page qtbase))))

and boum!

It seems impossible to detect that typo at compile-time because fields
do not have a specific type (except by convention).  Therefore, how can
we detect such typo?

We could add a lint checker.  Is it a “good” idea?

Because lint is not always applied, a check should be done when running
’make’ or a special target.  Is it a “good” idea?

1: <>


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