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guix pack file enumerator?

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: guix pack file enumerator?
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2020 10:53:37 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Hi Guix,

“guix pack” is great for deployment of applications to servers that
don’t have Guix.  For a project I have a “deploy” target in my Makefile
that essentially does this:

    cat $(shell guix pack -RR -e '(load "guix.scm")' -S /bin=bin) | ssh 
remote-server "tar xvzf - -C /where/i/want/it"

This is fine for small deployments, but it’s a little annoying that it
transfer *all* the files, even those that haven’t changed.  So I thought
I could use rsync here, but it’s inconvenient that “guix pack” will do
what it was designed for and produce a single file bundle.

What do you think about adding an output format that is no format at all
but a file enumeration printed to stdout?  That way I could use “guix
pack” to produce a list of files to transfer and use that to transfer
only the unchanged files.  Alternatively, perhaps we could have a
“directory” format that merely copies (or links) the files to a new
directory root.


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