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Re: Installation-Protocol for GuixSD x86_64 v0.15-preview

From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
Subject: Re: Installation-Protocol for GuixSD x86_64 v0.15-preview
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2018 12:49:12 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 26.1

Hullo Bj<b6>rn,

Björn Höfling wrote:
Hi people,

as Ludo "requested", today I freshly installed GuixSD in a QEMU
environment (x86_64 on both host and virtual env) to check the
installation process of the upcoming release.

Wow. Thanks!

You've motivated me to try it on a headless server (if that works).

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 \
  -net user -net nic,model=virtio -boot menu=on \
  -drive file=guixsd-install-0.14.0.system.iso \
  -drive file=guixsd.img

I prefered writing the disk like this:

 -drive readonly,media=cdrom,\

In that way, I can use the RO store entry and QEMU will not complain
about not being able to write to.

My QEMU-FU is, to say the least, rusty.

Do I parse this correctly as two separate (but related) suggestions: adding ‘readonly,media=cdrom’ to silence the complaint and ‘file=/gnu/store/...’ to use an image from the store?

Should we update the manual?

...if so: +1 to the first suggestion.

The second one seems to depend on your situation. The manual assumes you've downloaded the image (probably not using ‘guix download’) instead of building it from scratch, but we could document both. Especially since the latter can be written as one easy command:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive readonly,media=cdrom,file=$(guix ...)

2) The welcome screen with installation instructions is a bit
cluttered. I had in mind that Danny already worked on this? There might be some interesting things in case of fatal errors. But this is not very nice for new users who can't read the instructions between the lines:

It's something like that:

You have been warned ...
[8.47... ] shephard[1]: Service console-font-tty1 has been started.
... Service term-tty2 has been started.
PIO_UNIMAPCLR: Input/output error
address@hidden ~# [...]
error in finalization thread: Bad file descriptor
[49.] random: crng init done
[49]  random: 4 urandom warning(s) missed due to ratelimiting


Yeah. This is horrible.

3) PIO_UNIMAPCLR: Input/output error

Anything to worry about?

I can't find this in any logs on any box so I can't say.

3a) POSITIVE: Colors work. GPM works. Alt-F2, Docu works.

4) Network setup. Then: `ping -c`

That did not work. It took me a while to realize that DNS worked but
ping not. Probably due to QEMU NAT?

Not NAT, but yes, it's due to QEMU's ‘user networking’ not actually emulating all OSI layers IIRC.

I tried instead wget or curl. But both are not there. Do we have
"HTTP client" tools in the installer package to test the network this
way? Or is this too heavy in size for the installer? Do we have
anything else to give the user at it's hand besides ping?

‘guix download’. (Hey, if we include a static example and its hash in the manual you'll even know when your being MITM'd by an incompetent!)

We *could* include our own simple CLI HTTP client in Guile, if one doesn't already exist. I don't think that it's a very good option, but it is one.

5) I think the partition part in the manual is quite confusing. For me,
it's not clear what's the difference between DOS and this other
partitioning scheme. Which one should I choose in which situation [OK, is this something GuixSD has to care about? I think at least a bit]?

It's something the user has to care about, because their computer does and GRUB does. Unless we (again) write our own magic wrapper somehow. Then GRUB breaks, the user shows up in #guix, and it's even harder to help them.

I think it would be most helpful to add something like:

If /sys/firmware/efi exist on your system, jump to Partitioning under UEFI. Otherwise, see Partitioning with DOS or BIOS or whatever we choose to call it.

Would this have been enough to help you through?

[I prefer this to a ‘Welcome to the installer! (UEFI mode)’ message as proposed elsewhere because it keeps all knowledge in the manual, doesn't scroll off the screen ;-), isn't GuixSD-specific, and allows the user to get started quickly without hiding anything, but that's obviously all in my opinion.]

Anyway, I continued with a DOS, one partition, no swap.

6) Editors: When it comes about editing the standard config, there are three editors mentioned: zile, nano, nvi. The first ones are fired up as named, for "nvi" the command is "vi". This is not obvious for everyone.

Thorough testing :-) Good catch! Do you have time to submit a patch?

7) Zile/Umlauts problem:
I wantet do write "Björn" as my user comment in the config but I
Althogh I did `loadkeys de-latin1` and could write umlauts on the
shell, within Zile I get this error:

<b6> is undefined

7a) GOOD: guix system init took only 10 minutes. Where's my break?

8) No keymap in new system:

One of the first steps in the installation is to load the keymaps. But
when I reboot into the newly system, I'm left with the default
US-keyboard again. Luckily root has no password yet. Nobody mentioned I should set that up in my configuration, no example in the configuration
file [I used the plain one]

Another good point. I can't imagine anyone not merging a patch adding this to all relevant spots.

8a) GOOD: That title 'label thing is no longer in the config, although
it is still mentioned on the homepage docs [Needs to be updated]

I assume that will happen once (and as soon as) 0.15 is out. There are still people installing 0.14 and using the manual on to do so. Changing it now would give them unintelligible error messages.

[Once the reason for the split has been solved, we could offer both the latest release and a ‘live’ version of the manual.]

9) Old guix version:

Being in the newly booted system:

 which guix:
--> /run/current-system/profile/bin/guix
  -> /gnu/store/111i...-guix-0.14.0-12.77a1aac/bin/guix

That commit 77a1aac is from 2018-06-09. Why so old?

After guix pull [quite fast!], I get it correctly from ~/.config/...

Ah, whait, a `which guix` is correctly pointing to there, and that is finally pointing to `/gnu/store/496...guix-6e65eb3a/bin/guix` But guix --version reports still the old one ...

So why is there this guix-0.14.0-12.77a1aac from one month ago? After a
fresh installation, I want the newest Guix!

BTW: After reboot (I think a logout/in would have been sufficent), guix
--version reported the new commit-id.

This is probably the most important point, and I have no idea what's going on. Maybe after I've seen it in action.

10) Old kernel?

I'm pretty sure about that, but now a bit confused. Probably due to 9)?

Installation ISO welcomes with:

"GNU with Linux-Libre 4.17.3 (beta)"

After 'guix system init', I'm at 4.17.2 (Yes, I have this old generation in my GRUB startup screen).

Only after guix pull && guix system reconfigure I'm at 4.17.3 again.

So, if you start your system newly and don't do a guix pull directly ["This is so complicated, let's do that later..."], you are one kernel behind...

It also means that you're downloading a *lot* more during ‘guix system init’ than you should be, if you didn't run ‘guix pull’ from the installer.

A bright corollary:

7b) ‘guix system init’ will take even less than 10 minutes if this can be fixed.

11) guix gc and locale confusion:

I configured my system with locale 'de_DE.utf8'. Note in Germany the comma (',') is used a a decimal separator. guix gc gives me at the end:

note: currently hard linking saves 206.08 MiB
guix gc: freed 91,50781 MiBs

The first line is written in English with a decimal point. The last line is written in English, although the decimal separator is German [Furthermore, It's more confusing to report the 0.00081 MiBs, i.e. about 80KiB saved space. Rounding should be done after 3 places].

Agreed. I have an old patch (from 2017) that did somethings to improve that output and might address your comments.

12) ls | less

ls has a colored output. Nice.
ls | less has ugly escape sequences. Only ls --color=no | less works.

I'd be surprised if ‘ls | less -R’ didn't (and that would be a bug).

Otherwise, this is standard behaviour for both ‘ls’ and ‘less’. If other distributions wrap it in magick, it would be interesting to know how, and where, and if it's clean enough for us to copy.

Thanks again!


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