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Re: Status of Submitted Patches

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: Status of Submitted Patches
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 15:46:28 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.0-alpha3; emacs 25.3.1

Gábor Boskovits <address@hidden> writes:

> 2018-05-20 11:40 GMT+02:00 Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>:
>> Hi Sahithi,
>> >> While this achieves the goal for a single character it does not
>> >> constitute a custom port.  Have you read the documentation for
>> >> “make-custom-port” in the Guile manual?
>> >
>> > I have tried with the following code for, Gábor helped me in process […]
>> Oh, I haven’t seen those emails on the mailing list.  Please keep the
>> discussion on the mailing list so that all mentors and the community can
>> comment.
> The discussion was on IRC in a 1:1 conversation. The task Sahitihi wanted
> to achieve was to create a soft-port capitalizing all text sent to it. I
> helped her
> to achieve that. I was thinking about mailing you the details, but it was
> only a
> few lines of code. I will also make sure to keep you in the circuit in the
> future.

Ah, okay.  No worries.  I wasn’t on IRC most of last week because I was

So one way of doing this is to use a soft port and use it as the current
output port (using parameterize) when colorization is enabled; another
way is to do this where the code is supposed to be displayed.  In the
first method the decision to colorize what and how is done by the port
procedures; in the second approach it’s done right before the string is
passed to “format” or “display”.


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