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Re: GNU G-Golf 0.8.0-rc6 available for testing

From: pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)
Subject: Re: GNU G-Golf 0.8.0-rc6 available for testing
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 15:08:31 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

David Pirotte <> writes:
> Excellent! Note that you'll need to update your configuration and
> use/grab 0.8.0-rc7 - which fixes a 'missing some distributed files',
> necessary to be able to run the newly added
>       examples/gtk-4/layout-manager.scm
>       [ a g-golf port of the upstream gtk4-demo layout manager
>       [ (transition) example

I see, but since Guix builds G-Golf from git rather than a tarball,
examples/gtk-4/layout-manager.scm had worked already with rc6.

Tarballs contain bundled M4 files and other build-aux files.  Guix
rather uses its own packaged version of these, avoiding something like
the xz vulnerability’s code injection.  Still it is good that you fixed
the tarball.

>>  Now I can embed GTK programs within the Guix Home
>> configurations ...
> I am glad that you (finally) can happily use the distro of your dream.
> Your config example certainly should help other guixers willing to use
> g-golf.


>> All that is left is that I do not understand why
>> (gdk-display-get-default) returns #f in G-Golf but
>> gdk_display_get_default () in C returns 0x1c0e36c0.
> You need to have initialized either Gtk or Adw, otherwise it returns #f
> (as expected).
>       scheme@(guile-user)> ,use (g-golf)
>       scheme@(guile-user)> (gi-import-by-name "Gdk" "Display")
>       $5 = #<<gobject-class> <gdk-display> 7fee0e488c30>
>       scheme@(guile-user)> (gdk-display-get-default)
>       $6 = #f
>       scheme@(guile-user)> (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "init")
>       $7 = #<<function> 7fee075cb480>
>       scheme@(guile-user)> (gtk-init)
>       scheme@(guile-user)> (gdk-display-get-default)
>       $8 = #<<gdk-wayland-display> 7fee0f054a10>
> David

This helped.  When manually run, missing gtk-init import and use was the
issue; thank you!  Funny enough, when auto-started, gtk-init is run by
GtkApplication or perhaps by some library constructor, but I also had
forgotten to actually call add-css-class.  Still I added gtk-init, so I
can manually run my launcher as well.

In case others use it as reference, the fixed version is attached.


Attachment: home-configuration.scm
Description: Text document

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