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GNU G-Golf 0.8.0-rc6 available for testing

From: David Pirotte
Subject: GNU G-Golf 0.8.0-rc6 available for testing
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 23:49:12 -0300

Hello Guilers,

The sixth release candidate of the upcoming GNU G-Golf 0.8.0 release is
now available for testing:

* Tarball and a GPG detached signature [*]:

* Install

Dependencies and complete installation instructions are given in the
distributed INSTALL file, or here:

* Noteworthy changes in 0.8.0-rc6

Here is a summary of the noteworthy changes in this release, also
available in NEWS file and on the G-Golf website.

** New interfaces

*** New (g-golf support color) module

A color management module has been added. Documented under the Support
Canyon -> Color Hollow section.

*** Adding derived class custom layout-manager support

Derived class now support a #:layout-manager define-class option.

*** nil

Users need a way to inform g-golf to not process some callback ffi 'out
argument(s) (which can't be by using #f, as this mught be a valid ffi
'out arg value). To solve this, g-golf now defines a global nil variable
(defined as 'nil). See the newly added layout manager demo for a
concrete example of such a need and usage.

** Examples

*** Gtk-4 - Layout Manager

The upstream gtk4-demo layout-manager (transition) example has been
ported to g-golf.

*** Adwaita Demo

The following Adwaita Demo pages have been added:


** Bug fixing

*** <vfunc>

<vfunc> instances must hold a reference to the <closure-callback>
instance (not the <callback> instance).

*** next-vfunc

Fixed to retreive the vfunc pointer offset from one of the
class-direct-supers, recursively if needed, then grab and unlesss NULL,
call the immediate direct super vfunc.

*** g-golf-vfunc-closure

Enhanced to accept and (use if passed) an optional argument,
vfunc-long-name, as vfunc callback instances must be cached against
their long name, i.e. gdk-paintable-get-flags, gdk-paintable-snapshot
... (not get-flags, snapshot ...).

*** g-callable-info-make-closure

When calling g-callable-info-create-closure (fixed to work with the new
libffi api), we also need to call (and return the result of)
g-callable-info-get-closure-native-address, as the native-ptr.

*** ffi 'out arg values

scm->gi-argument has been enhanced to properly ignore ffi 'out args for
which the value is nil.

scm->gi-argument has been fixed, when that applies, to properly set the
(dereferenced) foreign (ffi 'out arg) pointer to its value.

*** g-object-import-with-supers

For some still misterious reason, when automatically importing an object
dependency, such as, for example, importing GtkApplication will trigger
the import of (among many others ofc) the GtkLayoutManager, unless we
call g-base-info-ref upon the info, those info maybe gc'ed.

Although this should actually never happen, as g-golf doesn't unref any
GIObjectInfo instances (but it did 'misteriously' happen), to be on the
safe side of things, g-golf (core) now calls g-base-info-ref upon the
result of calling g-object-info-get-parent.

* You can help

1. Testing by installing from the tarball, or from the source if you
   prefer, on the distro of your choice.

2. By running the distributed examples.

Ultimately, one of the best way to test, and participate, is to select
G-Golf to develop the next application of your dream! Here is an
overview of the GNOME platform libraries [1], accessible using G-Golf.
In particular, libadwaita [2] provides a number of widgets that change
their layout based on the available space. This can be used to make
applications adapt their UI between desktop and mobile devices (as shown
in the G-Golf port of the "Adwaita demo").

* Contact

Consider joining us on irc [3], where you may ask for help or report a
problem [4].

However, if you prefer:

        G-Golf uses the mailing list
        Report bugs to


[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
    .sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig
    file and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

        gpg --verify g-golf-0.8.0-rc6.tar.gz

    If that command fails because you don't have the required public
    key, then run this command to import it:

        gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A3057AD7

    and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command

[4] When reporting a problem, or if you think you found a bug, it is
very important that you prepare a minimal reproducible example (MRE),
sometimes also referred to as a short self-contained correct example

Also, on irc, we chat :), so please do not write code snipsets directly
in the channel, unless 2 or 3 lines of code, nor (long/huge) error
messages of course - for more then 2 or 3 lines of code, or error
messages, always use a tor-friendly paste service (avoid those that
track its visitors and require javascript, thanks!).

Attachment: pgp3XVMBFU9yk.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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