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Re: [Groff] Backgound image slightly higher on page one

From: Ted Harding
Subject: Re: [Groff] Backgound image slightly higher on page one
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2012 23:30:27 -0000 (GMT)

On 01-Dec-2012 21:43:43 Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
>> > Did you change the font size (or rather, the vertical spacing)
>> > somewhere on the first page?
>> Yes, I modify the vertical spacing through the register VS
>> before writing anything.
>> And it seems that the matter come effectively from this, but I
>> don't understand why...  Logically, the vertical spacing is
>> applied for all the pages, so why does it cause some problem ?
> Hmmm, it seems the vertical spacing is only set from register VS
> in a high-level macro like PP or so, and therefore your setting
> will not yet have had an effect if the first thing you call on
> the first page is PSPIC.
> In my example the images have the same alignment because the
> "begin page" macro BP temporarily sets the vertical spacing
> to zero before outputting the picture.

[Coming late to this thread today ... ]

I have experimented with a file that seems to follow Jérôme Frgacic's
original framework:

  .PSPIC mypic.eps
  .\" rest of the text

namely (using an EPS file "volc2.10.eps" that happens to be there):

.PSPIC volc2.10.eps
This is some text
And some more text
This is some text
And some more text
.\"And so on for several repetitions
And some more text
.bp  \"## Begin New Page Here
.PSPIC volc2.10.eps
This is some text
.\"[repetition of remaining input for first page except for ".bp"]


  groff -tpe -ms >

produces a file in which both text and image are identically aligned
on both pages.

On the other hand, if I omit the first ".LP" on page 1, so that
it initially reads:

.PSPIC volc2.10.eps
This is some text
And some more text
This is some text

but *keep* the .LP in the same position on page 2, THEN, while
the two images remain idenitcally aligned on the two pages, the
text on page 2 is slightly lower than the text on page 1 (by,
presumably, 1 VS), so that (relative to the text) the picture on
page 2 appears slightly raised (by one VS).

So I'm pretty sure that Tadziu's explanation is the correct one.
And the solution to the problem is to do something like ".LP"
to get things going text-wise within the standard paqe positions.

Hoping this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Date: 01-Dec-2012  Time: 23:30:24
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