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Re: [Groff] Spanish hyphenation

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Groff] Spanish hyphenation
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 04:02:36 +0200 (CEST)

>   \catcode`\^^e1=11\uccode`\^^e1=`\^^c1\lccode`\^^e1=`\^^e1
> it seems that in the line
>   \patterns{
>   ....................
>   ^^e11d ^^e12d. ^^e11f ^^e12f. ^^e11g ^^e12g. ^^e11h ^^e12h. 
> I should replace ^^e1 with ASCII e1=225 (á), etc., according to
> "lcode (the "Lower Case code"?) and similarly further down the
> patterns replace ^^c1 with ASCII c1=193 (Á); and so on for the
> other cases in the "catcode" lines? Then strip out everything
> except what is between the {...} in \patterns{...}?

Basically yes.  Please ignore the \lccode \uccode values and use
lowercase/uppercase for `.hcode' instead -- an important point I've
forgotten to mention is that the encoding used in TeX pattern files is
the intended font encoding (e.g. T1).  In some cases, this is *not* a
groff output encoding like latin-1!

This is a (bad) feature of TeX.

> And in the case of sphyph.tex (or eshyph.tex, whichever it may be),
> is that it? I'm not seeing anything excepr "catcode" lines, and
> lines inside \patterns{...}.


> regarding ".hcode":
>     .hcode c1 code1 c2 code2 ...
>               Set  the  hyphenation code of character c1 to code1
>               and that of c2 to code2.  A hyphenation  code  must
>               be  a single input character (not a special charac­
>               ter) other than a digit or a space.  Initially each
>               lower-case  letter has a hyphenation code, which is
>               itself, and each upper-case letter  has  a  hyphen­
>               ation  code  which  is  the  lower  case version of
>               itself.  See also the hpf request.
> Might this mean that letters with ISO-Latin1 codes > 128 are already
> initialised as above for .hcode, or only the letters [a-zA-Z]?

Only for ASCII.

> If the latter, should it then be
>     .hcode á á Á á ...


> Then is it necessary to bother about the cases in \patterns{...}
> where there are uppercase characters, since hcode seems to map UC down
> to LC for hyphenation?

I think that virtually all hyphenation pattern files for TeX use
lowercase only, but it is not necessary since TeX makes an internal
\lowercase (using \lccode values).


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