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Re: [Groff] \(bs escape sequence

From: Dean Allen Provins
Subject: Re: [Groff] \(bs escape sequence
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 14:11:41 -0600 (MDT)


This thread is likely dead, but as I'm now back looking at it (I
passed my candidacy last week, and with that behind me, I'm back on
the groff HOWTO) I thought I'd add a bit more trivia.

I just looked at a copy of UNIX Vol.1 Programmer's Manual from Bell
Labs, dated 1979/1983 and there it is on page 407.  Must be the
trademark that is descirbed below.

Dean Provins

> > The special character \(bs is not implemented in groff.
> > 
> > In the 1st ed. of Bourne - The UNIX system, it is displayed as a
> > large circle with something like a bell inside (bell sign?), 
> > but in the
> > Kernighan reference it looks like a black full moon (large 
> > bullet sign).
> AFAIK this sequence supports the graphical reprasentation of
> the trademark, which was being valid in that past. 
> At the beginning of UNIX live this was a circle with a bell enclosed
> -- the good old bell trademark.
> At the time the Bell Labs became the AT&T UNIX System Laboratories it
> was changed to the new AT&T symbol. I read in some of the Unix histories,
> that somebody had ironically compared this logo with the 
> Star War's Death Star (of the famous Lucas Art film).
> I hardly remember that I read in a troff Introduction that is discouraged
> to use this sequence because in some *nix licencees had replaced the 
> reprasentation in some inconsequent way in their packages.
> J_rg Freudenberger

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