Running the "date" command on the box shows the correct date and time.
Now I change things up a bit. I stop gpsd and start our custom application that attaches to the gps device (/dev/ttyPS1) and forwards all UBX and NEMA messages to another device (/dev/ttyGPS0). I know there's better ways to do this but other software relies on some of the things that our cucstom aplication does and we can't change that for now (down the road most likely). So having our application forward all messages is the best we can do for now. I then startup gpsd as follows:
gpsd -b -nN8 /dev/ttyGPS0 2>&1 | tee /tmp/gpsd_indirect.log
The command "ipcs -m" shows the shared memory segments. The segment at 0x4e545030 has two attached to it (nattch=2). I assume gpsd and ntpd are the same as above. When I run ntpshmmon I do not see any samples being written to the shared memory segment.
Since I used "N8" I compared the 2 logs created. One thing I noticed is that the variable ntpshm_link_activate is set differently for the direct connection (/dev/ttyPS1) then it is for the indirect connection (/dev/ttyGPS0):
- direct(/dev/ttyPS1): ntpshm_link_activate=1
- indirect(/dev/ttyGPS0): ntpshm_link_activate=0
I am not sure if this is causing my problem. And I am not sure why it is not set to "1". Would this keep the shared memory segment from being written to? If so, what keeps it from getting set to "1"? Or is there something else that I am missing. I used the not-supported-terrible-tool gpsmon when running in the indirect configuration and things look good,
I also compared the 2 logs to see what UBX and NMEA messages are being sent and they appear to be the same for the direct and indirect casses. In the direct case I captured the UBX raw configuration messages that gpsd sends to the device and made sure that our custom application was doing the same. In addition I compared the NMEA messages and they appear to be identical as well.
I am not sure what is going on here or how to get gpsd to write the shared segments to make ntpd happy.
Also, one more question about sending messages to this group. When I get a reply to a message that I posted, how do I reply to it? Do I simply use "reply all" or is there another way? If the reply comes from gem, will a "reply-all" be sent to gem directly? I thought I read that it is taboo since I am not a paying customer. Want to make sure I am doing the right thing by the user group.