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Time precision in gps_fix_t

From: Marco Spanghero
Subject: Time precision in gps_fix_t
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 22:42:17 +0000

Hi All,

I am using GPSD for research purposes about high precision time synchronization.

I wrote my own client in C that gets a structure gps_data_t that contains gps_fix_t. I am trying to access the time with a higher resolution than 1s.

The module I am using is a ublox ubx-m8030 that can output a ubx sentence with specific timing down to microseconds as I can see in ucenter software.

My questions are:

why the field time in gps_fix_t, even if it has second and subsecond field, the subseconds field is set to 0 in all measurements?

how to I access the ubx time sentence from gpsd?

where can I access a high resolution time information? I know GPS should do better than 1s, 100us should be reasonable.

Any help would be highly appreciated.


PhD Student

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


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