using gpsd red-hot from gitlab with my ZED-F9P ardusimple rtk setup.
Base and rover talk RTCM through radio, so that is not issue here.
I have configured the rover to spit out 10Hz solutions because I am going to drive fast. That is waaaay to much NMEA coming our way, so I thought about using gpsd to listen to the ubx from the GPS, and have the coordinate translated into some kind of NMEA sentence and send to the software. Does gpsd framework come with a json to NMEA converter in some magic utility?
Or, has anybody written such a translator? I am not fluent in NMEA, so I even don't know if it is possible to just reduce a native NMEA stream at 10 Hz to just a few sentences containing the coordinates and the solution accuracy.
The app is running on android and gets its position by one of these bluetoothGPS apps, and the NMEA is needed to satisfy these "external GPS" thingies. There is a Mock GPS interface, too, so the number of layers of useless data transport is large. Maybe somebody has a gpsd client for android to share (one that reads from external gpsd server, not the other way around)