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Re: [gpsd-users] Antenna status U-BLOX

From: Federico Buti
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] Antenna status U-BLOX
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:14:21 +0100

Hi Tom.

Thanks for the reply.
I should have specified that statement, sorry. I was meaning the antenna. If I unscrew the antenna, the PVT messages stop whereas the antenna messages keep coming. Unfortunately those antenna message are always "OK".
I've also read of a specific command to be sent to activate the three pin antenna supervisor (0x06 0x41) but even after sending it, there has been no improvement at all.

Beste regards,

Federico Buti

On 17 November 2017 at 03:02, tom <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Federico,

when you say "if I unplug the cable" do you mean the USB/UART to your EVA-M8 or do you mean the antenna ?
I found that every time the USB to min UBlox disconnected and reconnected i needed to re-send MON-HW to receive the messages on a timer again.


On 17 November 2017 at 02:15, Federico Buti <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi list.

As the title implies I'm interested in receiving updates on the antenna status from a EVA-M8 chip. For the purpose I've modified the u-blox driver - from the latest sources - according to the online manual. In particular I have activated the message UBX-MON-HW (0x0A 0x09), set the UBX-CFG-ANT (0x06 0x13) according to my hardware configuration and I've also added a dedicated struct to keep track of this additional information. In particular I collect two bytes from the UBX-MON-HW message: the status of the Antenna Supervisor (byte 20) and the current Antenna PowerStatus (byte 21). 

The HW message is emitted, more or less every three PVT messages, and the data is correctly parsed.  The status and powerstatus bytes change from 0x01 0x02 (DONTKNOW, DONTKNOW) to 0x02, 0x01 (OK, OK), after a cold startup.

So far so good. Unfortunately it seems like the value does not change any more, after the first startup change. E.g. if I unplug the cable I expected to see changes in the values, instead the antenna messages still return the values for OK for both bytes, whereas I correctly stop receiving PVT messages. As soon as the cable is plugged back the PVT message are issued again, while the antenna status didn't change at all.

Does anyone has a clue about that? Does anyone has extracted this information? I'm afraid I'm missing something really trivial here but I'm not sure what that would be.

Thanks in advance,


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