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Re: [gpsd-users] Broadcom Chipset Data Protocol

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] Broadcom Chipset Data Protocol
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 21:46:45 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Esteban Vallés <address@hidden>:
> However, there's a lot of additional information such as:
> 17:01:50.492 I/gpsd $499053I LogAgc(GPS Aradio) vga=35 agc=21.0
> 17:01:50.493 I/gpsd $499053I LogAgc(GPS Dradio) vga=52 agc=-1.7
>  --> What are the ranges here, what's Aradio vs Dradio ? what are the units
> ?
> 17:01:51.201 D/gpsd #499742D GlMeSatAidMgr::GetSatAid SvId16 dTargetTimeLms
> 85509.558 PropTimeLms 993.558 Age [0 994] DopplerPpb -1608.796
> DopplerUncPpb 10 RcvdSysTimeMs -73.482851 RcvdSysTimeUncMs 0.000073
> 17:01:51.201 I/gpsd #499742I GetClkMod [dSysTmBiasMsGps
> 3.924394,dSysTmBiasMsGlns 3.924394] MKF CbMs 3.924430,[dSysTmBiasMsGps
> 3.924394,dSysTmBiasMsGlns 3.924394] GpsNavBitT, GlnsNavBitF
> 17:01:51.219 D/gpsd #499780D GlDspBase::CompensateNoisePwrForBlanking:
> fUnadjustedNoisePwr = 53238900.000000 fBlankingRatio = 0.000000
> fNoisePowerScale = 1.000000 fAdjustedNoisePwr = 53238900.000000
> 17:01:51.305 D/gpsd #499862D DH SvId03 SvId06> FLLPhase 52939 LastFLLPhase
> 52851 FLLPhiDot 88 88 0.00086
> 17:01:51.305 D/gpsd #499862D DH Chan 03 SvId06> FLLPhiDot overwritten 336
> 0.00513 wild=0
> 17:01:51.305 D/gpsd #499862D VG Chan 03 SvId06> SS: -137.898 AcqHz:
> 960.71490 FLLHz: 1.02539 FLLEst(ppb): 610.46594 BlkEstHz:  -0.07629
> BlkEstPpb: 609.76666 OK
> 17:01:51.314 D/gpsd #499862D SVID06 (20 ms) TS: 21, etPeakFitValidity=1,
> etMpInd=1, fFitIdx=3.07, fErrLS=0.004826, depth=1, SS=-137.835449dBm,
> corrvec = 132992,195584,260224,317952,271872,200064,149248
> Any help on some documentation would be super helpful

Agreed.  I've never seen anything quote like this before.  If you find 
any please pass it along.

It looks like portions of the raw satellite packets.  This,
for example

>           VG Chan 03 SvId06> SS: -137.898 AcqHz:
> 960.71490 FLLHz: 1.02539 FLLEst(ppb): 610.46594 BlkEstHz:  -0.07629
> BlkEstPpb: 609.76666 OK

looks like it must be radio and signal data for sat 6.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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