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Re: [gomd-devel] more OSX good news

From: rbaardman
Subject: Re: [gomd-devel] more OSX good news
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:30:41 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1

I prefer I code-tree aswell since it might prevent a lot of trouble. 
However, it might force you to work with automake/configure-
scripts/autoconf etc. Those are not very friendly afaik, but they will 
provide proper host-type detection. What we could also do is make a 
argument in the ./compile script we have now. Like ./compile 
linux, ./compile osx. Or even ./compile os=linux and ./compile os=osx.
After that it just seems a matter of changing a few enviroment-vars.



> Good news guys!
> i successfuly ported the important parts of gomd to OSX with very little
> effort.
> I had to:
> Modify the lib Makefile slightly.
> Modifly the cpp example to open "libgomd.dylib" rather than .so
> modify the c example to set CC=g++ rather than gcc (dono how that worked
> on linux...)
> I didnt make any real effort to play with the java stuff since i know so
> little about building it.
> I put a tarball of my local gomd snapshot up here :
> http://www.hick.org/~johnycsh/dump/gomd-osx.tar.gz
> hopefully one of you guys can figure out a way to modify the build process
> to work on both of them? I dont really know how you want to go about this.
> We could just make an OSX distribution which just has the libraries and
> examples
> that has its own build code.  Its upto everyone i guess. I'd prefer to
> keep the bases the same but what do you all think?
> I modifed the lib Makefile in an attempt to make this easier.
> Best Regards
> -jc
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