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Re: [GNUnet-developers] Report of GNUnet-Workshop at Datenspuren/Dresden

From: sva
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] Report of GNUnet-Workshop at Datenspuren/Dresden
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 16:52:57 +0200
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Dear all, Dear xrs, thanks for that summary,

I'll add some links and some personal notes, too:

On 09/25/2018 02:10 PM, xrs wrote:

> t3sserakt held a little presentation on the "State of GNUnet"

In German:

> teasing our workshop. There we specifically helped people to install
> GNUnet and our little groupchat app on different platforms. We also
> explained some services, showed some application like filesharing, name
> resolution or chat, and had nice discussions. We organised little
> platform specific groups and our four mentors help to bootstrap.
> Lurchi did some good work by writing a small install guide which was
> improved during the session. 

The guide is here:

Please share it with interested folks: It even works with "blind copy
paste" of the commands there on Debian and Ubuntu.

The idea we had is to create a "chat" which runs all-time which ppl join
at the end of the install-guide, and then we can cheer them, and give
further information and "stay in touch". Also the person will have then
a real-experience that something actually can be done here besides
filesharing :D

So please wait a tiny bit longer till sharing widely - once we have set
this up I am definitively up for broadcasting in all possible
directions, that GNUnet is now install-able also for mid-DAUs :D

I will then also include it into my pEp-talks (see e.g. ) and hope that we get more ppl into
checking it out.

A better URL would be good then, can we place it somewhere on

> Some improvements are still possible for future workshops: 
> - we missed to introduce people to our standard communication channels
>   (mailinglist, irc, etc.). 

Yes that should definitively be there, as invitation to be part. But I
am sure no one actually would now _not_ join the conversation only cause
you missed to point on it. But, sure: more might have joined otherwise.

> - gather questions emerged in working groups and answere them for
>   everybody in little break points every 30 minutes 
> - add a lighting talk to break points to create curiosity

Jupp, that'll be good to have some more "ready made content" handy that
can be placed whenever suitable.

> With sva we are planning to do more workshops on other events :-) 

yeah! I am running around on so many events anyhow, and after this very
positive experience with having so many ppl going through the
installation without major problems we can totally move forward!

> Now we know how to tackle the first barrier for new users, lets call
> it "onboarding". The second would be to overcome the complexity of new
> services (could be done with lighting talks) and third, to start
> developing in C or other bounded languages. We have no solutions here.

I think that the first got a tremendous push, and for the rest we'll get
ideas, too.


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