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[GNUnet-developers] Report of GNUnet-Workshop at Datenspuren/Dresden

From: xrs
Subject: [GNUnet-developers] Report of GNUnet-Workshop at Datenspuren/Dresden
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:10:55 +0200

Hi GNUneteros,

here is a little report of our workshop at Datenspuren/Dresden last
weekend to share some experiences :)

t3sserakt held a little presentation on the "State of GNUnet", also
teasing our workshop. There we specifically helped people to install
GNUnet and our little groupchat app on different platforms. We also
explained some services, showed some application like filesharing, name
resolution or chat, and had nice discussions. We organised little
platform specific groups and our four mentors help to bootstrap.
Lurchi did some good work by writing a small install guide which was
improved during the session. 

Some improvements are still possible for future workshops: 
- we missed to introduce people to our standard communication channels
  (mailinglist, irc, etc.). 
- gather questions emerged in working groups and answere them for
  everybody in little break points every 30 minutes 
- add a lighting talk to break points to create curiosity

With sva we are planning to do more workshops on other events :-) 

Now we know how to tackle the first barrier for new users, lets call
it "onboarding". The second would be to overcome the complexity of new
services (could be done with lighting talks) and third, to start
developing in C or other bounded languages. We have no solutions here.


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