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[GNUnet-developers] Notes from yesterday's dev mumble

From: DocMalloc
Subject: [GNUnet-developers] Notes from yesterday's dev mumble
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:28:55 +0100

For those who couldn't attend but are interested:

Notes GNUNET Dev Mumble:


INRIA team and open positions:
- a postdoc from the us will join presumably end of the year
- highspeed lab @ inria with multiple position from april
- open position:

Power cycling at TUM
- Some friday afternoon, sree will keep us up to date
- to be removed from that test

GNUnet overall progress:

Next release envisioned asap
Currently milestones blocking the release:
- Transport connectivity issues
- Christian and Docmalloc working on that
- Roadmap for release:

Christian adding new functionality to monitor plugins, transport and ats
with gui tools
Docmalloc fixing functionality starting with test cases 

Bart fixed a lot of issues and set the bugs to feedback
We can start to test CADET for bugs: no crashes or warnings are expected

Other projects

- BRAHMS aka RPS (
Complete in about 3 month
Allows to pick a random peer
Decentralized replacement for directory servers 

crypto changed but is expected to work again
sree has a student to work on a android wallet app
new hires wanted (open position!) to start working on the wallet
florian and Grothoff will work on auditing software

- Social 
tg will continue to work on social service


- GNUnet and Onion Routing
Take ideas from I2P
-> There is a language barrier
Tox people have idea for NATed peers

- cjdns 
Are there any links to cjdns?
gnunet's focus is not only on routing but on security with adversaries

-Taler and P2P
Is Taler a P2P system ...
No, taler is not a p2p system since it uses a mint and is not running
over gnunet
but it will be possible to integrate it with gnunet later

- Meeting or Hackfest
is there place for a meeting?
Joe: just come over to brazil
Docmalloc: hackfest in munich? we just need a room for an evening or a
tg: come to Amsterdam
- What is the audience for a release?
People are interested in using it for filesharing, conversation, social
networking for organized resistance, news
grothoff: we can discuss about a release politics if there are different

- Transition from SVN to GIT?
GC: git tends to fraction projects and prevents about people from
knowing what is going on, performance and scalability important
bart: big changes are easier without breaking the system
nurner: transparency is important and hiding information is a bad idea
viric, although not being a committer, suggests using fossil-scm. He
would  prefers even cvs over svn

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