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[GNUnet-developers] GNUnet deployment

From: Aubrey Bailey
Subject: [GNUnet-developers] GNUnet deployment
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 16:47:05 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

I am interested in deploying a fairly large scale GNUnet on my campus's network. This was previously done using a DC Hub, but was shut down by the owners over privacy concerns. Thus GNUnet seems an ideal solution. I have already downloaded and installed GNUnet on my machine and played around with a few options such as limiting the connections to on-campus IPs. Could you please highlight some of the major facets of GNUnet that would help to make this a successful experiment? Also perhaps a brief walk-though of the major points of configuration of both client (for the less technically apt members) and server (to make sure I don't fall into any unexpected pit-traps) ends of the utility. The entire network is 100Mb over FDDI rings and other various fiber connections. So although I would like to preserve bandwidth and transfer speeds, it isn't a major concern. I also hope to be able to provide valuable load testing and security information to the project through intensive use (5000+ users). Thank you for your time and continued development, and I look forward to being able to help one another.
Aubrey Bailey

P.S. If you don't feel like responding with these requests, that is acceptable also, I will be scouring the FAQs and such over the next several days regardless.

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