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Re: [gnugo-devel] GNUgo on NNGS

From: max-d
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] GNUgo on NNGS
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:17:07 +0200

> Anyway, hope that answers your question.
> Evan Daniel

Yes ! thanks ,
i have one more ...

How much Gnugo has progressed on NNGS since gnugo3.3.1 ?

I agree 3.3.16 get good results against further versions of GNUgo .
I have also experimented by myself that GNUgo 3.3.x generally win against
but i'm not sure that means anything.

I believe that something was broken after 3.3.2 in the semeai code.
i have checked one recent NNGS GNUgo game to try to show this.
(the 1st i choosed work well to show what i am trying to say )

joshj-gnugo-3.5.1-200309212248 (see below)

i begin the analyse at move 65 and stop at move 121.
It is the phase of the game which led to the final result ,the human
player (8K*) playing very poorly but winning against Cosmic 3.5.1.

I think most of you here would agree that GNUgo 3.2 often plays better
(but of course i may be wrong ).

i compared GG 3.2  , 3.3.16 , 3.4, 3.4cosmic
level 10 for all...

65 O11 (all agree)
then analyse goes backward...

121 gnugo.3.2: = L3
= L3 66.06 Q7 42.04 L2 39.38 J4 36.34 J12 15.34 H3 14.56 G12 13.45 J6 12.45
L18 11.15 B3 10.55

others 121 = O2

117 no one prefer L3 (gg3.2 put it at 2nd )

95 gnugo.3.2: = J11
= J11 24.82 K9 24.19 J3 18.02 B3 12.32 L18 11.13 H11 10.62 H10 10.32 G11
10.08 L15 10.08 O2 10.05
others forget this move
gg3.2 forget O13

87 all agree with cosmic

85 cosmic_gnugo: = E6
= E6 29.59 D7 27.91 N12 23.60 E7 20.55 L9 18.31 D6 17.04 B3 16.48 P17 16.45
C7 15.76 L18 12.15

gnugo_3.4: = L9
= L9 28.17 P17 24.89 M11 24.76 D7 22.55 E6 21.24 M12 19.69 N12 19.43 E7
15.41 O13 14.89 D6 12.66

all agree with 3.4

83 : all agree with cosmic N13 exept 3.2 which never considers this bad move
 gnugo.3.2: = J3
= J3 36.68 S9 27.70 D7 25.75 E6 25.00 P17 22.78 E7 20.09 L16 16.20 K14 15.73
L10 15.52 L9 14.94

77 gnugo.3.2: = M8
= M8 48.70 J3 24.71 D7 23.09 P17 22.77 E6 22.29 N13 19.81 N12 18.57 O13
18.49 E7 17.41 D6 14.28

no other consider this more soild move (i think)

73 all agree with S12 ??

69 gnugo3_3_16: = N10 (3.3.16 alone here )
= N10 46.35 P17 24.87 D7 23.25 E6 21.63 N13 19.71 N12 18.32 O13 18.21 E7
16.07 B3 11.94 C7 11.85

About Cosmic GNUgo , i find it easier to beat at 5-9  stones than 3.4.
I think however it should be already a very useful weapon for next
computer-computer tournaments (if being invoked a few time randomly).



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