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Re: [gnugo-devel] GNUgo on NNGS

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] GNUgo on NNGS
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003 07:24:41 -0700

> Hi !
> What explain that GNUgo lost almost 1 Kyu on NNGS ?
> md

Suppose we try turning the Cosmic option off and see if it
goes back up?

When the Cosmic patch was made default in 3.5.1, we had
134 unexpected FAILS and 39 unexpected PASS in the regressions,
a net loss of 95. See regression/BREAKAGE for a list of these
changes. Also games that I've watched on NNGS have seemed to
play worse than 3.4. These days most games are depressing to
watch, and I did not have that feeling during the weeks
leading up to 3.4.

As Evan points out, not all of the loss can be attributed
to the cosmic patch, since the first precipitous decline came
while Gunnar was running unmodified 3.4. 

However I think it might be useful to see what happens now
when the cosmic patch is turned off.


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