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Re: [Gnue-dev] Appserver questions

From: Jan Ischebeck
Subject: Re: [Gnue-dev] Appserver questions
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 23:00:43 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Am Samstag, 4. Januar 2003 20:31 schrieb Reinhard Mueller:
> Hello, Jan (and others)

Hi Reinhard,

> I have some minor questions about appserver:
> * I propose to use the prefix "gnue_" for all Appserver-internal columns
> and tables in the database, which would also mean that we use "gnue_id"
> for the objectid field in the database. What would you think?
I would like to be more verbose and name it gnue_apps_uid. 

> * You seem to be a bit swamped currently, so I hope you don't mind that
> I continue with the new API implementation (on a very basic level, just
> to make all defined functions work like documented). I need that to be
> able to continue with the language interface.
Yes, I a bit swamped, that's true. I still work on paper which should be ready 
on 24. Dec and I've another deadline at 1. February. But nevertheless I don't 
mind if you continue to implement the API interface. But we should discuss  
some points before we (you, or me or someone else) continue to implement the 
internals, as there are many difficulties to overcome and many design 
decisions to clear. That was one of the reasons, that the API made no 
improvements, because I had to stop programming and begin to rethink the 
appserver structure.

> * In my notes we have called the function to destroy business objects
> "remove", in your code you have called it "delete". Which one should we
> take?
I prefer "delete". Because we don't just "remove" an buisiness object and put 
it to another place. But this is a point an english native speaker should 

> * Is there a reason for keeping the old API parallel to the new one in
> CVS?  If not, we could remove some of the functions in geas*.py as well
> as rename some other functions for internal consistency.
Yes, there is a reason: It should still be possible to use the old dbdriver 
for a while. I would prefer to keep the old functions as is and just move 
them to the bottom of the object definition. Possibly even with a big comment 
like that: "please remove the following part, when appserver dbdriver is 
updated to the new api and included in a stable gnue-common release."

> * There is some code related to business object procedure calls in
> appserver, which seems to me to be debugging code. Some of it even emits
> German messages :-)

A great language, isn't it ? ;)

> If you find the time, could you remove all unneeded debugging code?  I
> don't want to do it myself, as I don't know what is for debugging and
> what is for real :-)
If I remeber right, then these messages are example triggers, so they are 
stored in the database and defined in the schema definition. I'll translate 
them to english.
> Thanks,
> Reinhard

Thank you,


Jan Ischebeck e-Services

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