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Re: [Gnue-dev] Unicode + wxPython

From: Derek Neighbors
Subject: Re: [Gnue-dev] Unicode + wxPython
Date: 26 Aug 2002 20:24:00 -0700

I think that a good description of the problems was given.  It would be
great for the i18n stuff to look into using wxWindows with gtk2.x to get
full support.


On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 04:39, Arturas Kriukovas wrote:
> Hello
> some time ago i thought that wxPython does not support unicode. But with
> a help from Jan & Codeworks guru Marius appeared, that it's possible to
> get unicode wxForm via wxPython. Full sequence of achieving this is
> written below. However, the main thing is that with currect outer
> software (on my system it is Python 2.1.3, wxPython 2.2) we can see
> unicode characters and should be able to support them.
> Arturas
> address@hidden
> address@hidden
> How to put unicode characters in GNUE form:
> 1. Getting unicode console.
> My usual system locale configuration is:
>     >locale
>     LC_CTYPE="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_NUMERIC="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_TIME="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_COLLATE="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_MONETARY="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_MESSAGES="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_PAPER="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_NAME="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_ADDRESS="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_TELEPHONE="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_MEASUREMENT="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_IDENTIFICATION="lt_LT.ISO8859-13"
>     LC_ALL=lt_LT.ISO8859-13
>     >locale charmap
>     ISO-8859-13
> On your system it will of course be different, but not too much.
> Too main variables here are:
>  * LC_CTYPE and
>  * LC_ALL.
> LC_ALL is important because it overrides all other LC_* variables - any
> changes to LC_CTYPE will not work if LC_ALL will be set to some value.
> LC_CTYPE defines your 'character classification' (from manual; as far as
> i saw it practically defines what key on your keyboard what letter
> define).
> We need to unset LC_ALL (because it will override LC_CTYPE and we do not
> need this) and change LC_CTYPE to some utf-8 value. I do it like this:
>     unset LC_ALL
>     LC_CTYPE=lt_LT.UTF-8
> After running it my locale configuration becomes like this:
>     >unset LC_ALL
>     address@hidden:11:22:38:~:
>     >LC_CTYPE=lt_LT.UTF-8
>     address@hidden:11:22:57:~:
>     >locale
>     LC_CTYPE=lt_LT.UTF-8
>     LC_ALL=
>     address@hidden:11:23:00:~:
>     >locale charmap
>     UTF-8
> Now with current locale configuration we need to start xterm. Note that
> we also need to set specific font font xterm, what can be done:
>     xterm -fn -misc-fixed-medium-*-140-*-iso10646-1 
>       -fb -misc-fixed-medium-*-140-*-iso10646-1 &
> [there shouldn't be a line break before '-fb' - all command should be in
> one line - this break is for better readability]
> The parameters for xterm set it to use misc fixed .... font, the most
> important thing here is font encoding - iso10646-1 - it is ISO unicode
> font encoding name.
> Personally i use a small script:
>         #!/bin/bash
>         old_CTYPE=$LC_CTYPE
>         old_ALL=$LC_ALL
>         LC_CTYPE=lt_LT.UTF-8
>         unset LC_ALL
>         command xterm -fn -misc-fixed-medium-*-140-*-iso10646-1 -fb
>           -misc-fixed-medium-*-140-*-iso10646-1 &
>         LC_CTYPE=$old_CTYPE
>         LC_ALL=$old_ALL
> ['command' is used because i have an alias 'xterm' to launch xterm with
> Lithuanian fonts]
> Now we have unicode xterm.
> 2. Switching through languages.
> In my .xsession file i have following settings:
>         export LC_CTYPE=lt_LT.ISO8859-13
>         export LC_COLLATE=lt_LT.ISO8859-13
>         export LC_ALL=lt_LT.ISO8859-13
>         setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle lt &
> This binds LeftAlt + LeftShift buttons to change between English and
> Lithuanian languages.
> When i have unicode xterm, i simply run commands like 'setxkbmap ru', or
> 'setxkbmap de' or any other and use LeftAlt+LeftShift to switch between
> English and the language i set up.
> So now we have unicode xterm and we can write there in different
> languages.
> 3. Work.
> We can work as well from unicode console as well as from simple console.
> The only note - if we save file from unicode console that has some
> non-standard characters (i mean characters that are specific to some 
> languages, the ones that are not in ASCII [English language does not
> have these]) and later try to open this file from simple (non-unicode)
> console, we will not see these characters (this is important thing as we'll 
> see
> later).
> This is because the file is saved encoded in UTF - that is ASCII
> characters are saved in one byte encoding, other characters are saved in
> two or more bytes.
> 4. Python.
> This is a simple python script (also included as attachment) that should
> be saved as UTF encoded file, let's say as '':
>     #!/usr/bin/python
>     print "UTF-8 & one byte font"
>     print "---------------------"
>     print "Creating unicode string 'foo'"
>     foo = unicode('asd--[russian letters]-[lithuanian letters]','utf-8')
>     print "String output encoded in UTF-8: print foo.encode('utf-8')"
>     print foo.encode('utf-8')
>     print "String output as ASCII: print foo"
>     print foo
> You can write any non-ASCII characters instead of [russian|lithuanian
> letters].
> If we run this file from simple (non-unicode) console, first line is not
> outputted correctly and python dies trying to output second line with
> ASCII decoding error.
> less command does not output file correctly.
> If we run this file from unicode console, first line is outputted
> correctly and python dies trying to output second line with ASCII
> decoding error.
> less command here does output file correctly.
> 5. wxPython
> This is a larger python script, that i shamelessly copied from
> somewhere.
> It also should be saved as UTF-8 encoded file, let's say as
> ''.
> It has a window, some labels, menu, status bar, button... :
> NOTE: you might not see characters correctly - it's because your window
> manager uses some not-unicode encoding. I cannot tell you now what\where
> to change - it's too window manager dependent, however every font that
> is used, should be encoded as ...iso10646-1, not as iso8859-*
> not this:
> -->  -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
> but this:
> -->  -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
> -------------------------------BEGIN------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/python
> #---------------------------------------------
> # Name:         Cookie.Py
> # Purpose:      A silly `fortune' application
> #---------------------------------------------
> ## import all of the wxPython GUI package
> from wxPython.wx             import *
> ## Create a new frame class, derived from the wxPython Frame.
> enc = 'utf-8'
> class MyFrame(wxFrame):
>     def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
>         self.myFortunes = [
>             unicode("A fox -[russian characters]",enc).encode(enc),
>             unicode("A good -[russian characters]",enc).encode(enc),
>             unicode("A man -[russian characters]",enc).encode(enc) +\
>             unicode("he is -[russian characters]",enc).encode(enc),
>             ]
>         self.which = 0
>         myMenuTable = (
>             [unicode('&File-[russian characters]',enc).encode(enc),
>              (unicode('&New-[russian characters]',enc).encode(enc),
> unicode('Get a -[russian characters]',enc).encode(enc),
> self.OnButtonClick),
>              ('---',),
>              (unicode('E&xit-[russian characters]',enc).encode(enc),
> unicode('Leave -[russian characters]',enc).encode(enc), self.exitApp)],
>             )
>         # Call the parent class method
>         wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title,
>                          wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(160, 100))
>         # Add a panel to place things in
>         panel = wxPanel(self, -1)
>         self.text = wxStaticText(panel, 1009, \
>                      "Click on button to get a cookie!", \
>                       wxPoint(40,25), wxSize(150,80))
>         button = wxButton(self, 1010, "New cookie", \
>                           wxPoint(150,90), wxSize(70,20))
>         # window layout
>         box = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
>         spacer = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
>         spacer.Add(0, 0, 1, wxEXPAND)
>         spacer.Add(button, 0, wxALIGN_BOTTOM)
>         spacer.Add(0, 0, 1, wxEXPAND)
>         box.Add(panel, 1, wxEXPAND)
>         box.Add(spacer, 0, wxEXPAND)
>         # associate button with event
>         EVT_BUTTON(self, 1010, self.OnButtonClick)
>         # associate close event with handling method
>         EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnCloseWindow)
>         # make a status bar
>         self.CreateStatusBar()
>         # Make a main menu
>         self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar()
>         # fill the `file menu table'
>         for submenu in myMenuTable:
>             newMenu = wxMenu()
>             for item in submenu[1:]:
>                 if (item[0] != '---'):
>                     fmID = NewId()
>                     newMenu.Append(fmID, item[0], item[1])
>                     EVT_MENU(self, fmID, item[2])
>                 else:
>                     newMenu.AppendSeparator()
>             # fill the main menu
>             self.mainmenu.Append(newMenu, submenu[0])
>         self.SetMenuBar(self.mainmenu)
>         self.Fit()
>         self.SetSizer(box)
>         self.SetAutoLayout(true)
>     def OnButtonClick(self, event):
>         self.text.SetLabel(self.myFortunes[self.which \
>                     % len(self.myFortunes)])
>         self.which = self.which + 1
>     # This method is called automatically when the CLOSE event is
>     # sent to this window
>     def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
>         ruSure=wxMessageDialog(self, "Do you want to quit?",\
>                    "Leaving Cookie", \
>                    wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_QUESTION)
>         if (ruSure.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL):
>             event.Veto()
>         else:
>             print "# Bye bye [russian characters]"
>             # tell the window to kill itself
>             self.Destroy()
>     def exitApp(self,event):
>         self.Close()
> # Every wxWindows application must have a class derived from wxApp
> class MyApp(wxApp):
>     # wxWindows calls this method to initialize the application
>     def OnInit(self):
>         # Create an instance of our customized Frame class
>         frame = MyFrame(NULL, -1, "Cookies!")
>         frame.Show(true)
>         # Tell wxWindows that this is our main window
>         self.SetTopWindow(frame)
>         # Return a success flag
>         return true
> # if running standalone
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     app = MyApp(0)     # Create an instance of the application class
>     app.MainLoop()     # Tell it to start processing events
> ---------------------------------END----------------------------
> We can see a nice window with some non-ASCII like characters in menu,
> labels and etc.
> 6. GNUE.
> If we run GNUE form client or designer from unicode console, we can put
> English, Russian, Lithuanian and any other characters in textboxes. So
> it looks like support for unicode is internal GNUE problem that should
> not require any additional outer software support.

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