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Re: Timeout on send SMS

From: Pablo Reyes
Subject: Re: Timeout on send SMS
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:24:08 -0300

Thanks for you reply.


I'm sorry for my bad English.

Pablo Reyes

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Pawel Kot <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi again

>> My service provider when sending sms with similar text, sending several
>> seconds delay. Then gnokii return:
>> "SMS Send failed (Unknown error - well Better Than Nothing!)"
> Without any log it cannot be diagnosed.

I'm sorry, the log is on

>> But, if I send the sms from my phone (without gnokii) the sms is sent,
>> although 90 seconds later.
> How do you determine that it is sent after 90 seconds? That's actually
> huge delay.

Yes, i'ts a huge delay, but is only with a repetitive sms. Normaly
it's 8 seconds.
The 90 seconds is determinated when the "sending icon" disappears and,
inmediatly, I receive the message in other cellphone.

>> Proble is an antispam system.
> Interesting. Usually operators do not do this because of:
>  - performance
>  - any SMS, even spam, is an income for them

Yes, I think same. And the company support says the same; but the
problem persists.

>> The question is, I can be specified gnokki timeout when sending an sms?
> We have only serial_write_usleep in config. But I guess it affects all
> the commands. And sending SMS in gnokii is a synchronous function. So
> the app would be blocked for that period. Anyway, can you send out the
> other SMS before the first one got sent?
No, I can't. Also, I tried to send sms by others SMSC, but the problem persists.


> take care,
> --
> Pawel Kot
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