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Re: dku2 driver and access!

From: andrew teo
Subject: Re: dku2 driver and access!
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:36:24 -0800 (PST)

> Two notes:
>  - you said you have symbian phone which in companion with gnokii is
> incompatible with gnapplet driver
>  - as our docs say userspace driver is preffered to kernel driver

I am using my Nokia 6100 now. The 6100 is not a symbian phone. I referred to
my symbian Nokia 3230 in another post (which I'm also trying to connect
through Bluetooth)

>> Also, is it possible to access nokia phones eg the nokia 6100 without the
>> dku2 driver?
> Sure. Nokia 6100 is not compatible with Nokia 6100. For this phone you
> should use either DKU-5 or CA-42 cable (or the clone rather to have it
> working under Linux).

Yep, you're right! I have now gotten a CA42 cable. However, it shows up as
ttyACM0 when I plug it in. But I believe I can only use model AT for
ttyAMC0? How can I configure it so that it appears as ttyUSB so I can use
model = n6100? 

Pls advise! 
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