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Re: gnokii using irda for model 3200

From: Aart Koelewijn
Subject: Re: gnokii using irda for model 3200
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:57:40 +0200

Op wo, 27-09-2006 te 11:46 +0530, schreef Vikas BN:
> On 9/26/06, Aart Koelewijn <address@hidden> wrote:
>         Op di, 26-09-2006 te 16:29 +0530, schreef Vikas BN:
>         >
>         >    port = /dev/ttyS1
>         >    model = 6510
>         >    connection = infrared
>         connection = irda
>     When I change the setting to 'irda', the  following happens: 
>  $ gnokii --identify
> GNOKII Version 0.6.12
> LOG: debug mask is 0x1
> Lockfile /var/lock/LCK..ttyS1 is stale. Overriding it..
> phone instance config:
> model: 6510
> port_device: /dev/ttyS1
> connection_type: 4 
> init_length: 0
> serial_baudrate: 19200
> serial_write_usleep: -1
> hardware_handshake: 0
> require_dcd: 0
> smsc_timeout: 100
> connect_script:
> disconnect_script:
> rfcomm_cn: 1
> sm_retry: off
> Connecting 
> Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
> Expecting:
> Timeout: aborting command ``/usr/lib/gnokii/gnokii'' with signal 9
> /usr/bin/gnokii: line 16: 10618 Killed                  timeout

Sorry, not enough information to be of any further help. Did you follow
the instructions in the Gnokii documentation on how to set up a irda
connection? Are you sure irda works on your computer? You should make
sure before you even try to start gnokii. On my laptop I can set the
infrared port to different protocols, one of them is irda. Following the
instructions worked for me, but I have an other phone and don't know the


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